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411-20 elk tag


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
Missoula, MT
My hunting pardo drew the 411-20 elk tag. We plan to hunt both archery and rifle seasons. We are considering flying in to the Durfees and also hitting the BMAs.

Sounds like fixed wing is the cheaper way to go, although you lose the flexibility on where you can land?

I realize access is going to be the challenge. Planning on scouting and knocking on doors but it will be a little limited by time and distance from Missoula. We are both have experienced the bounty and frustrations of hunting boundaries. Does the chance of seeing elk on the public island outweigh potentially spinning our wheels looking for other private ground to hunt?

We are familiar with the red hill access and there's obviously public ground. But are there decent bull numbers over there?

Anyway hoping someone out there might be willing to share a few nuggets.
Really appreciate any of your thoughts and send me a PM if you want. Cheers
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My experiences in 411, 511, and 530 have only been during archery season and spring bear season, but I have spent a decent amount of time up there and been pretty underwhelmed. Prior to season a few years back, I had about 50 head located and they had been in the same area for several weeks. Got there opening morning and didn't hear or see a thing. There were no other people there opening morning either, but there were fresh boot and 4 wheeler tracks going into the national forest land where the elk were from the private land that bordered it. I have my suspicions on why those elk all just disappeared from public land, but such is life I guess. I spent some time on the west side of the Snowies as well during archery and ran into a decent amount of sign one day, but the populations just did not seem great over that way. I even got permission on some private land bordering the national forest and couldn't find a thing (this was in the middle of the rut and there was fresh snow...with all the hiking I did, there really should have been at least a bugle or a track). I'm sure some people around there know where the elk like to hang out, but I have found other areas where I can get into elk a lot easier, so I don't plan on spending a whole lot of time there anymore. From my experience though, I would spend more time on the eastern part of the range.
I drew that tag a few years ago, mostly all private. The durfees are probably a crap shoot now with what the Wilkes bros have done in the area. May want to checkout any state or BLM east of the durfees ala grassrange area.
I would stick around the eastern side of the Durfee hills. I got some advice a couple years ago from a member on this site when my brother in law drew the 411 rifle tag. He ended up harvesting a nice bull on private land bordering BLM. I think especially later in the season the BLM south and east of the Durfees holds some good numbers of bull elk. Problem will always be private access over there though. Good luck. PM me if you want more specifics on where we got permission.
I wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped with information on this tag, I really appreciate it. wapiti11 even came out and did some glassing for me. Numerous others dropped beta that helped greatly (beartoothhiker, Art Vandeley, Big Fin, bigsky2, Highground, MTHunter1321, sneakypete).

This turned out to be a tough unit to hunt with all the private (80%). Both Big Foot and I gave it hell during archery and passed on small bulls. All told I put in about 15 days (including travel etc from Missoula).

We came back for rifle opener and had a few close calls, but not close enough.

I ended up going back solo 2 weeks later and found this guy on public. Not one I was going to pass up at this point and this guy met my requirements (6pt & 300"). I first noticed that cool palmated side, then saw the fronts, I was in. He was bedded near 7 other bulls that were smaller. Three connected shots later, followed by a 2.5 mile pack out....happy hunter.



Last feeling.

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