Caribou Gear

338-06 bullet for deer??


Active member
Mar 11, 2020
I'm looking reboring at 30-06 to 338-06. I'm in the process of bullet research for deer hunting. One of the goals is to use a new bullet so that takes off the partition, accubond, balistic tip, eldx, and hot cor off the table. I'm thinking something in the 200-225gr range. What are thoughts on the 225 Interlock or the 200 Speer Boat tail?

Nothing wrong at all with good old fashioned soft points, especially in that velocity range. I’ve had great luck with Hornady interlocks.
The 200's & under is where I'd head. The 180 TTSX or the Hammers in 175/186.

Interlocks are a great bullets. Shot elk & deer with that particular bullet in a 338 WM. Haven't shot anything with the speers.
Interlock or SST would be good choices...of course obligatory Hammer Bullets mention like the 175gr HH or bigger if twist allows

Seems strange that you wouldn't want to use one of these.
Perhaps he means a new-to-him bullet.

I'd mess around with the 186gr Shock Hammer or something
I loaded 160 TTXS in my 338 Federal, exiting the barrel at 2950, so the 338-06 should gain 100-150 fps on that. Haven't had a chance to shoot anything with it yet, but quite positive that it would get the job done.
Having shot nothing but steel and paper with my .338-06, I'm not exactly an expert in its on-game performance, but I think I'd be leaning toward the 185gr. TTSX or the 200gr. Hornady SST if you can find it. I had good accuracy with the Speer softpoint during barrel break-in, as well. Any projectile with that diameter moving 2700fps+ is going to flatten any whitetail that walks, even those massive corn-fed Badger State bucks.
I've shot a few different bullets out of mine. I settled on the 200gr accubond, but tried Swift Scirocco, Partitions, Sierras, and Speer, all in the 200-210 range. Shot a couple elk, a bear, and a few deer with it using Speer and Accubonds. Not really sure it matters. RL15 and H4350 are my go-to powders.
So what is the reason for going from a 30-06 to a 338-06? I think the 30-06 with a 200gr bullet and less will make a deer very dead, obviously the 338-06 will do the same. What the 338 has that the 30cal doesn't is heavier bullets! I'd though about a 338-06 at one time and was thinking an elk rifle with a 225gr bullet. My elk rifle now is a 30-06 with 180gr bullets!
I’ve shot a few deer with my 338 Jarrett, 250gr. Partitions. I kinda like what heavily constructed-heavy bullets do to deer, nice neat holes very little drama. Swift A frame comes to mind as do any of the monolithics as it seems likely we’re all going to have to go that way.
A most underrated cartridge as is the 35/06. Good luck with your endeavor.
My 338-06 shoots both the 185 gr. and 210 gr. Barnes TTSX bullets well. Both right at one MOA. Finding both can be a bit difficult with the 210 grain being a bit more available. Who did you have rebore your barrel?
Built my first 338-06 in 1982, shot lots of deer with 180 gr Ballistic tip and a few with the 210 partition ( way too much meat damage on shoulder hit) way more than I needed to get the job done. I have shot 10 elk with the 225 gr Barnes (old style) and never had one go more than 50 yards. Shot several Nilgai on a lease I was privileged to hunt both dead at 200 and 350 yards same result. Was planning on taking to Africa, but the lack of properly head stamped brass kept it home. Weatherby now has some proper brass as they loaded for the SAAMI version.
Thanks. I'm having JES rebore it. I did mean new bullets for me. I want to try something different in this rifle.

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