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308 with 165 Speer Hot Cor for elk?

How do you know it was bullet performance if you lost it?
Now you’ll be telling me I don’t know how to shoot at distance too.

It was the same time period I had just completed the army SDM instructor course too.

Basically, the shooting portion of the us army sniper school.

Funny the old stuff you find when you clean your reloading room.


Now you’ll be telling me I don’t know how to shoot at distance too.

It was the same time period I had just completed the army SDM instructor course too.

Basically, the shooting portion of the us army sniper school.

Funny the old stuff you find when you clean your reloading room.

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Cool stuff. How many big game animals have you shot? How many different bullets? Wierd shit happens with all of them. There is not magic bullet that works 100% of the time. You can only speculate what happened with a lost animal. Some are tougher than others. You have no idea I'd the bullet "failed" or not. I've seen "perfect" bullet performance on elk, and they run off 4-500 yards.
Cool stuff. How many big game animals have you shot? How many different bullets? Wierd shit happens with all of them. There is not magic bullet that works 100% of the time. You can only speculate what happened with a lost animal. Some are tougher than others. You have no idea I'd the bullet "failed" or not. I've seen "perfect" bullet performance on elk, and they run off 4-500 yards.
Enough to know I don’t want to use jacketed bullets anymore.
Cool stuff. How many big game animals have you shot? How many different bullets? Wierd shit happens with all of them. There is not magic bullet that works 100% of the time. You can only speculate what happened with a lost animal. Some are tougher than others. You have no idea I'd the bullet "failed" or not. I've seen "perfect" bullet performance on elk, and they run off 4-500 yards.

When I lived in South Dakota, deer and antelope populations were booming and licenses were extremely plentiful and the seasons long.

We filled a lot of freezers using rifle, archery, and muzzle loaders.

For rifles, we used .223 with Hornady 60 grn. 270 win with 130 grain, .280 with 150 grain, .308 with 150 grn, 30-06 with 150 grain, 7 RM with 160 grain, 300 win mag with 180 grain, 338 RUM with 225 grain.

Even when hit perfectly, the 338 RUM didn't consistently kill faster than the .223.

Bullet placement trumps all, followed by dedicated shot follow-up.
Then tell me why…since your so perfect…

A deer hit square head on in the chest just inside the left leg. Not more than 110 yards with a .308, The bullet from federal blue box ammo goes up and around the chest and stops in the back strap following the skin on the ribs…

With no penetration into the chest cavity….
Then tell me why…since your so perfect…

A deer hit square head on in the chest just inside the left leg. Not more than 110 yards with a .308, The bullet from federal blue box ammo goes up and around the chest and stops in the back strap following the skin on the ribs…

With no penetration into the chest cavity….
Not sure what you want me explain?

Wierd shit happens. I shot a warthog at 100 yards, broadside with a 375h&h 300gr partition. It didn't exit the opine side. He had a hole out the tip of his back.
Not sure what you want me explain?

Wierd shit happens. I shot a warthog at 100 yards, broadside with a 375h&h 300gr partition. It didn't exit the opine side. He had a hole out the tip of his back.
Can't imagine happening what your saying happened. I believe any bullet used within the design parameter's of the bullet and properly placed will take down pretty much any animal if the shot is well placed for the bullet used. I keep hearing how great mono's ect are but seem's someone wrote some time back about a mono failing. I have no use for monos or even new bonded bullet's but I don't see them failing either. I believe people like to place the blame for bad shot's on bullet's rather than to admit they made a bad shot. what the heck, likely no one can proove it either way! Hit an animal properly with a V-Max varmit bullet and the animal will die. I have read about bullet's blowing up on the side of animals and even seen photo's of it. Question, if the bullet failed and you post a photo to proove it then I suspect the bullet killed the animal so how did the bullet fail? Making a bad shot with a bullet not desined to do what you ask could account for the bullet blowup photo's on the shoulder of animals. Bullet hits skin and then immediately solid meat and the bone. What failed, the bullet or the placement? My final thought, bullet's don't fail, shooter's do!
Any recommendations for where to get them? I shot my first elk this year with a 175 gr Sierra Match King. He went right down but I wasn't impressed with the bullet's performance. Busted into little pieces and didn't penetrate well. I've since read from multiple sources that the Match Kings aren't at all ideal for elk. I'd like to come up with a better alternative.
Match Kings are going to perform like Berger's as you saw. You need to move into the Game Kings or Pro Hunters.
I don't know why some people think competition shooting and military certifications give them some kind of advantage killing big game. Whole different ball game. mtmuley
Hitting an 8” circle is an 8” circle.

Don’t know why hunters think competitors shooters can’t hit their target or it makes them something special
Not gonna argue with you. And I've probably killed more animals with a jacketed bullet than you've driven by. mtmuley
Another antagonist troll…

My experience had not been good with them…

Guess I’m just not as perfect as you or Bambistew.
Then tell me why…since your so perfect…

A deer hit square head on in the chest just inside the left leg. Not more than 110 yards with a .308, The bullet from federal blue box ammo goes up and around the chest and stops in the back strap following the skin on the ribs…

With no penetration into the chest cavity….
Shot head on with point of impact being just inside the leg? You didn’t shoot into the just cavity, you hit on the outside edge of it. I’d pretty much expect what you got, bullet going down the outside of the ribs.
yes, head on, an elk or deers chest is v shaped to get through the trees when running through the woods. Maybe don't shoot them head on? Be patient like a sniper and take the best shot after it presents itself.
I don't know why some people think competition shooting and military certifications give them some kind of advantage killing big game. Whole different ball game. mtmuley
Was this addressed to me? I certainly didn't think that when I used that bullet for elk. It was what I had and with the current ammo drought, I couldn't find a better alternative. Even though I wasn't impressed with the bullet's performance, it did the job just fine. One shot at 116 yds. and the bull went down like a ton of bricks. I knew ahead of time that I wasn't going to try for anything very far, partially because of that bullet and partially because I have a Mossberg MVP, which isn't particularly accurate, as bolt actions go.

Anyway, I intend to remedy the bullet issue before next season.
Another antagonist troll…

My experience had not been good with them…

Guess I’m just not as perfect as you or Bambistew.
Man reading through this thread is hilarious I feel like if we were at a campfire the thread would have taken a different tone.

All Bambistew is saying is it’s weird what happens sometimes. I had had a weird shot on a deer with partitions, broadside shot entry and exit same side… I think the bullet explode and went out the same side🤷‍♂️ They are good bullets just a bizarre trajectory.

I’ve been really happy with etips and now hammers… pretty similar performance to Swift Aframes but better ballistics.

I have also seen a lot of deer fall to speer and accubonds, whatever works…
Another antagonist troll…

My experience had not been good with them…

Guess I’m just not as perfect as you or Bambistew.
And I’d say there’s thousands who’ve never had an issue using CoreLokt and similar type bullets on deer and even elk. I read something a smart man posted once that it was a good thing that CoreLokts were invented before the internet or they’d have never killed anything.
Pretty sure lead bullets and round ball have killed more deer and elk than hammers or barnes. Shoot the hot cor and have fun. I'm trying out some grand slams this year.

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