PEAX Equipment

308 Moses

I crated an account to answer questions for the guys buying the 308 Moses. You state you've been in the wildcat seen yet the negativity says otherwise. If you think it's a scam meet me at the Nightforce ELR Steel Challenge in Wyoming this year. It's been there 3 years with 7 rifles each year. I'm sure you'll say it's not worth you time, but we all know why you won't show up.
Seeing is believing. Don't be a hater unless your willing to see it, shoot it and be honest. I get that there are so many capable calibers out there and we all have our favorite. Some like coke and some like Pepsi. Don't be rude to others because their experiences are different than yours. I'm sure you have had experiences that shape your opinion but never stop learning. I would bet that we could meet, shoot guns and walk away as friends. Even if you don't like the Moses product, you might learn a few things. Where are you from, would love to meet up and shoot.
did you watch the video I posted, it's super long but scroll to the end and you'll see them
I did. Couldn’t see much. The reason people are calling BS is the velocity claims which are not verified in your video.

This is dang close to the ballistics of 7prc/7Backcountry out of a *presumably* much shorter case with wider bullet if this is based on a .308. What is the chamber pressure, 80k psi?

Sell us more.
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It takes a 30-06 case turned into a Gibbs or Sherman to get a 180 to 3k. That is with a hot powder and cases only last 3 firings unless you run RWS.

So for a 308 parent case to do 2900 is ridiculous. Case life is exactly 1 time. Lol
It takes a 30-06 case turned into a Gibbs or Sherman to get a 180 to 3k. That is with a hot powder and cases only last 3 firings unless you run RWS.

So for a 308 parent case to do 2900 is ridiculous. Case life is exactly 1 time. Lol
wrong, we have over 10 firings on brass and still going strong. Also my 308-06 Moses is sending 225s at a solid 2878fps and 208s at 2955fps with ease.

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