Yeti GOBOX Collection

308 Moses

There's an auction there that has a 308 Moses ending tomorrow. Figured you were eyeing it too. They had a set of dies but they sold on Sunday.
I wouldn't know for sure. According to the video, its necked for a 7mm bullet. Now, looking at the not so clear pic, it appears like a 7-08 blown out with a shorter neck. Maybe more powder, a little more velocity. The only reason I asked here was there is very little information on it. One internet thing indicated there were three Moses round, this one, a 7mm one and ? The main reason i was interested in other than a unique caliber is a well built custom with a $1000 used price scope on it. I tried to look up Precision Rifle Works but it doesn't appear they are operating. They may have made the barrel but that is just a guess on my part. After my friend chimed in on the auction location, I lost some interest. It sold for a little over $1000 with fees and taxes. I did buy an unknow cartridge rifle in the 7.65 area. Purchased some Cerra safe and will figure out what I got. I'll pick it up tomorrow. As usual, I bought more stuff than I need but having too much powder that is decently priced is never a bad thing.
The comments make it seem like the "7mm Moses" is a 7/08. So is a 308 moses a 308?

I take their comment to be as accurate as the average "gun guy". They are parroting what they think they were told. I think what they mean is it's whatever the .308 cartridge is necked down to .284. I wouldn't read anything else into what they said.

Whatever the cartridge is, it has most of the taper removed and a very short neck. Nothing revolutionary about that. Maybe a shorter, fatter .284 Win or just a fatter .284 Win. It would help to know what the parent case was.
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