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30 for 30

Nope, but I'm hoping to on a re-run. Quite the athlete. Very unfortunate how his career(s) ended...

His run over Bosworth is an all-time great!
I'm a sucker for those 30 for 30 programs. My favorite is still the Marcus Dupree program.
Techmo Bowl Bo was the greatest football player ever

My boys and I play this game at Grandma's house. Things never break if you keep them at Grandma's. You still have to blow into the cartridge, but it works great.

I caught the episode. Bo was an incredible athlete. Every kid in elementary school wanted to be just like Bo. I used to have a topless poster of him wearing nothing, but shoulder pads and a baseball bat. :D
Interviewer: "What do you want your headstone to read?"
Bo: "Here lies a ballplayer that gave as much as he received."

Loved this.
The Bo Jackson episode was absolutely great, was glad I caught it. A truly incredible athlete.
I agree, that guy looked like an awesome athlete. I can't recall ever hearing the name before that episode though.

In the Texoma and gulf coast area he was extremely well known at the time. Story was sad as he had many people influencing his decisions that weren't looking out for his best interest at all. Should have listened to the Selmon brothers and stayed in school at OU. Propably would have won at least 1 natonal championship and been a heisman contender every year.

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