30-06 hand loads

That load seems a bit hot, to me, but every rifle is different. If there are no pressure signs, then all is good. That bullet will do just fine on your elk. I have not used them, and some think that they are a bit weak for closer shots, but that is a pretty heavy bullet, which compensates for a bit of that. My preference would be a 180 Partition, but for elk, I use a 7 mag, anyway. Go forth and kill.
The Lyman book max shoots the best in mine:

52gr IMR-4064
165gr Sierra SPBT
WLR primers
Speed" 2865 average

This load shoots sub 1/2" in my factory rifle when I do my part.
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Four22 I use the same setup.Deer,Elk and anything that moves.Very accurate. 😎
I've had a good luck with 180's and RL 22. Shooting into about an inch or just under in my 1958 vintage Model 70.

But I've usually just stuck with the 165's and 57-58 grains of IMR 4350. Even between Barnes TTSX, Nosler Partitions, Hornady Interlocks & Interbonds, and a few others I've tried, both of my 06's love the 165s.

And my reloading room is in the basement, where it never gets above 65 degrees. :)
I've had a good luck with 180's and RL 22. Shooting into about an inch or just under in my 1958 vintage Model 70.

But I've usually just stuck with the 165's and 57-58 grains of IMR 4350. Even between Barnes TTSX, Nosler Partitions, Hornady Interlocks & Interbonds, and a few others I've tried, both of my 06's love the 165s.

And my reloading room is in the basement, where it never gets above 65 degrees. :)

Seems most 30-06's like 165 for some reason and they seem to be comfortable with many different powders.

Ben, is "And my reloading room is in the basement, where it never gets above 65 degrees" an important part of the recipe? 😁
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Anything around 165 grain of Hornady bullets shoot fine for my family and I. My rifle gets close to an inch with 168gr ELD-X and my brothers and dad shoot the 165gr SST. All different loads but towards the middle-upper end of the Hornady book max.

These loads have performed really well on whitetail and antelope, but I've never shot an elk.
Yeah. Hardly a fair comparison. The 210 in a .300 RUM. You ought to look at the 180 Accubond. Or 165. Both better suited to the .06 and it's capabilities. If you have to have the heavy, even a 200 grain Accubond. Just my opinion. mtmuley
The normal Accubond will hold together better in a 180. Mtnmuley is steering you straight.
For my Tikka -06 and 165 accubonds it likes 55.5 H4350. Not a fair comparison to elk but it’s handled caribou and whitetail fine.
I shoot 168gr T-TSX out my X-bolt, with 54grs of H4350 behind it. I've chrono'd it at an average 2960fps. I get 1/2 or better at 100yds. At 200yds if I do my part, I can keep it at around 3/4". Past that, I couldn't tell you, because there are no ranges by me where you can shoot much past 200yds.
I do not load but compared some notes with Cushman on what I use in my -06.
165 Nosler AB's & I get 1/2"@100,1"@200 too. Dropped 6 elk with that load now.
Had a loader buddy test a bunch of loads for my 700 & found some smokers with Barnes bullets,Partitions & AB's...then he dropped dead. I gave his widow a bunch of elk & she gave me my brass & neither of us could make sense of his notes.
Losing_sanity's notes ring a bell....was just thinking I should head over to meet dirtclod in AZ someday & we could stuff a bunch of backup rounds...lol
I’m planning on working some 165 Sierra Gamechngers up in the coming months. I have an old Winchester 770 that they will be for.
It's easy to like the 30-06 for general purpose big game hunting. I sure do!

For years my standard hunting load is a stout load of H4350, and a 165 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip. That combo has been accurate and gets great velocity. I've taken mule deer, pronghorn, black bear and elk with it. The 165 Nosler Partition has been just as good, and penetrates a little better. Surprisingly, not that much better. Either bullet works fine.

When I wanted to go for big bear, grizzly, I went to the 200 gr Nosler Partition, also over H4350. I settled for a mere 2600 fps, because that load shot so well. Not just on paper, but the recoil felt "smooth" if that's possible. I dunno. It's a good load and it worked well. If I didn't have so many 165 & 180 gr Noslers on hand, I'd consider swapping to that 200 grainer for all my 30-06 hunting. :)

165 nosler partitions or hornady interlocks H4350 57.5 got a 1 MOA at 100
I have loaded and shot the 06 an awfully lot.
It definitely gives best overall performance of speed accuracy and kinetic energy with 165gr bullets.
Those 190s will certainly get it done for you though. But it's alot easier to hit targets with flatter shooting ammo at distances out past 300yrds. Just have to be very certain of the distance and know where to hold or dial your set up.
Reloaders 17 has been the best in the 30-06 for me in several rifles, with 150-180 bullets.
Just get to the range and burn some powder.
Good luck this season.
If your barrel shoots them accurately, 190 gr bonded and mono bullets have slightly better ballistics than 180s and 200s in 30-06. Elk, moose, big bears. Most handloaders for 30-06 seem loyal to the standard bullet weights, unwilling to read between the lines.
I have an X-Bolt in 30-06, and the most accurate load I use is a 168gr Barnes TTSX with 55grs of H4350. Get 1/2" groups at a 100yds, and chrono'd average velocity is 2968fps. for a 5 shot group.
Although I have to agree with Mt.Muley, I think that heavy LRAB will do just fine. It might be a bit frangible up close, but that is a heavy bullet, so should work fine. It shoots very accurately for you, and that is real important. I, personally, believe that the little bit of bc advantage that they show is so irrelevant for most hunting ranges, that the regular Accubond, or Partition are the better choice, based upon their reputation for penetration and terminal effects at all reasonable distances.

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