For sale 3 year Grade Quarter Bay gelding horse will mature over 15 hands. I have hand raised him since a weanling and have taught him to stand tied, lead, load into a trailer, trim, been desentizing him since very young. Not spooky, but is pushy and gets in your space will follow you around the pasture. Have exposed him to gunfire, dead animals, chainsaws.
I purchased two other mares from the same rancher near Boyes, MT (Y Walking Y) and they have turned out great for a novice horse trainer and some private lessons. The reason I'm selling is because we mostly ride the mares and he doesn't work well with them. My daughter and her friends and myself will ride the other ones since they are mostly trained. He is still very young and will grow a lot this year and will be a pretty good size horse. Asking $4500 but mostly want him to go to ONE home where he will be loved, used, and well treated. Currently teaching him to lunge, flex, and saddle. Willing to split ownership with the right family. Preston 406-210-1697

I purchased two other mares from the same rancher near Boyes, MT (Y Walking Y) and they have turned out great for a novice horse trainer and some private lessons. The reason I'm selling is because we mostly ride the mares and he doesn't work well with them. My daughter and her friends and myself will ride the other ones since they are mostly trained. He is still very young and will grow a lot this year and will be a pretty good size horse. Asking $4500 but mostly want him to go to ONE home where he will be loved, used, and well treated. Currently teaching him to lunge, flex, and saddle. Willing to split ownership with the right family. Preston 406-210-1697