Caribou Gear

280 (Here is a Exotic question 4 ya)

Moosie said, "I don't think MY hunt will be inhibited by Someone that got hit by a car packing a X-bow inthe hills while I'm bow hunting.."

I agree, I dont feel like my hunting or anyone elses is threatened. I just think the reason for an archery season is to allow people to hunt with a bow, not a crossbow, muzzleloader, or rifle. I just feel they can pick up a gun and hunt during the gun season.

Moosie said, "HERES another one BUZZ.. how about guides.. what are your thoughts on someone harvesting a trophy animal A guide finds and SHOWS them and they jsu tpull the trigger... BUT no FENCE is involved ?!?!?! SAME or DIFFERENT ?>"

Does this question really require an answer? Well...if I must. Yes in my opinion theres a huge difference between a penned hunt and a guided hunt taking place in the wild. Just like theres a huge difference between a guided hunt and doing it yourself.

Heres an example. My buddy Doug and I have both hunted unlimited sheep in MT. He was fortunate and killed a good bighorn in one of the unlimited areas, by himself with no help. I busted my ass and didnt get one. He and I both killed record book Dalls in AK, with a guide. I know he is more proud and happier about the sheep he killed in the unlimited area than his record book dall. I would feel the same. Each was a great experience, but going with a guide isnt the same, in my opinion.

Indy, to answer your question, no I probably wouldnt take up knitting. I would continue to hunt whatever species I could under the letter of the law. I wouldnt ask for a handout, special priveleges, or anything else. I also wouldnt be hunting game farms either. But, thats just me.

Oh, I know a guy in MT thats paralyzed from the neck down that has killed several really good whitetails from his wheelchair. He uses a specially rigged rifle where he can control the rifle with a series of straws and tubes he blows into. Havent heard him whine one time about not having special priveleges. Quite the hunter.
OK, THANX for answering those questions BUZZ... I'm ditching a few mins of work so SHHhhhhhh...

ANOTHER question, have you ever hunted COUGAR ?!?! My question is, (IN your OPINION) is hunting with DOGS less to be proud of then CHASING one down or "LUCKILY" coming across one in the field ?!?! OR.. BEAR baiting... IS that less of an acomplishment becasue I set out some BAIT instead of Finding and TRACKING one down.....

My qualm with you isn't the handicap thing realy, but the way you look down on SOMEone because they hunt different then you do. HOW you degrade another hunter because he wants to hunt a ranch instead of the "WILD" (WHATEVER THAT MEANS)... Or if they want to use an OUTFITTER, that isn't as "GOOD" as getting one on your own, I think different... SO, that is all I'm trying to bring up with my questions.. I want to know Exactly how you feel about those situations so I know.. THANX BUZZ !!!

FEEL free to cut and paste and put in " " whatever ya need ;)

An interesting comparitive analysis. Does Archery as a purist sport include compound bows or should they have thier own season? Muzzleloaders with scopes are not considered "primitive weapons" in some areas, should compound bows be qualified as primitive weapons?? What about sights on a bow? Should that disqualify them as "primitive weapons"? I'm not sure where the line is drawn. Why are we drawing lines at all?
DANR... I almost forgot that point.... THERE is a group called Traditionalist bowhunters or some CHIT like that *WINK* I tease but I think it's a good organization.....

BUT, they slam me for using a Compound bow.. TELL me it's cheating and are trying and succeeding in changing the laws so they can take time away from the "CHEATING" bowhunters to the "REAL" bowhunting.... I don't get it really.. BUT heh.. I don't get much.. HUH guys

I think the botom line is Everyone has their opinions, WHAT if FARE... WHO's actually a hunter.. WHo is not....

If we are going to break it down.... WHY not make everyone make their OWN weapon, and hunt with it and loose the Rifles and MAnufactured bows ?!?!? SOUNDS dumb when ya say that huh ?

Were's Feclnogn with that gerbil cannon :D :D
Moosie, yes I have hunted and killed one lion with a friend who had dogs. Let me tell you how this happened. The guy didnt know $hit from Shinola on where to find a lion, he bought dogs and "was really into it" but was really clueless.

He called me the night before the season opened and asked me if I wanted to go. I said sure, where we going? He sheepishly said I was hoping you knew of a spot. Well, beings how, at that time, I hunted nearly every day of the season in Montana I knew where several lion frequented my whitetail area. We went up there and right where I'd seen lion tracks many times, was a fresh set about 20 minutes old. We turned his hounds loose and 3 minutes later putty is in the tree. He asked me to shoot it to help his dogs because they were young and he thought it would be good for them. So I blasted it right out of tree, very similar to blasting a blue grouse out of tree with a 410.

Nothing wrong with it at all, but to call myself a cat hunter because I've seen twenty or so, been out with dogs a handful of times, and shot one, thats a stretch. The best part was seeing the dogs work, the actual taking of a lion in a tree is a real let down, after the thrill of the chase.

I have a buddy who took one with hounds and he wanted a cat in a bad way. He told me after he shot it, he wishes he would have had the balls to take a few pictures and walk away.

I would much rather track one down on foot, which is very possible, or call one with a predator call. But again thats me, and I dont have anything bad to say about hunting lions with hounds.

Bear baiting about the same way. The fun part would be researching and finding the area, seeing the bears hit the bait, being able to see lots of bear, all that. But killing Yogie with a week old Sarah Lee donut in its lips would be a let down, for me. I would much rather spot and stalk bears, again thats just me. But I have nothing against baiting at all, I'd even do it if I felt like it.

I dont believe I've made fun of anyone and how they hunt on this forum or any other. To each their own, but I'll take my chances in the wild.
I am still interested to know just how these people hunting on game farms are degrading this sport?

Here is a scenerio(sp) for anyone.

I ain't trying to make you mad BuzzH, just got a different opinon than you.;)

This is not hypothetical, it is real. I have hunted an area near me that is commonly called "the ranch". the reason for this is it is a 3000 acre area that the old gentleman that owned it used to raise cattle on. Lots of hills hollows trees and pastures. about six years ago the old man died and the place was sold to a guy from Kentucky. This guy is big into field trial dogs and holding field trials. He erected a four foot fence all the way around the property to keep the dogs off the road. Everywhere there is a road going into or outof the property there is an overlap gate configuration.------_____ something like that but they overlap about 30 feet. So the fence is not gated(it is open) and only four feet high, a whitetail could easily clear it standing flat footed.

My question is if I hunted this area and was to take a record class whitetail,( there are some in there) should I not be allowed to enter that animal in the record books because of that fence?

The fence has nothing to do with the white tail and is only there for the protection of the dogs.
Boy.. that's really a tough question. I wonder. Boy. It makes me ponder. I'm stumped. That's a tricky one. :D

Buzz... time for this boy to bail out here... I can't handle the overflowing intellengence coming out of this one. I can't compete. Throwing in the towel.... :D :D
Yep, I'm a dumba$$...just wish I was half as perfect, smart or purty as Greenhorn and Buzz. Now we are beneath contempt.....and not worth talking to. When all else fails, go home. As that great sage, PeeWee Herman said, "I'm rubber, you're glue. Bounce off me, stick to you."
Exotics and native North American game are in the same category as far as ranching them goes... they are all livestock. I don't think there should be a differentiation as to whether or not they are exotic to the US or not. I wholeheartedly support game ranching as long as the costs are borne by the ranchers and they follow the charter of the EWA (Exotic Wildlife Association). The main thing in that charter is that the ranch has enough space and cover so that a hunted animal has a reasonable chance of avoiding detection, and if found, has a reasonable chance of escaping the hunter. I have hunted free range deer and I've hunted fenced operations (some bad, some outstanding esecially where the area and cover made the hunt a challenge AND the animals were wary of humans). Where and how a person hunts should be up to them and judgement should not be passed as long as methods are within legal guidlines of the state. Good enjoyable hunts can be had on game ranches and you can be proud of the animal you take. If you think the hunt will to "easy" for you, switch to different hunting method like a handgun, muzzle loader or a bow.
Exotic ranches have done a great job in preserving and restoring numbers of various species, such as the Arabian and Scimitar Oryx. There are more Axis deer, Indian Blackbuck, and Nigai in Texas than there is in their native countries. Oryx populations are being restored to Oman and other countries of the Sub Sahara.
Exotic ranches can also give some hunters the chance to stalk and take animals they would never have a chance of hunting unless they went to Africa. As for native species behind fenced operations - why not? As long as there is enough space and cover (280, Greenhorn etc. - I agree that most elk operations in Montana were WAY too small OK? - including Wallace's). I know game ranches where you can walk (not drive) for days without getting a shot at you selected quarry. A hunt is what the hunter makes it.

I had to stop reading the rest, you've just PI$$ED me off to no end. What do you think gives you the right to say that I am wrong to want to hunt?? Excuse me, this is something I don't usally talk about but I just happen to be one of those people who had an accident, and since have had to give
up conventional bow hunting. I have been seriously concidering trying a crossbow, so that I could still enjoy the sport of bow season. The last time I was able to hunt (gun,or bow) was 1993, I had plans to go for Rifle this season but had to cancel, I was bed ridden. I will not allow myself to burden others, and unless I can do it myself
I refuse to go. That is my own perogative, my decision, and YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE THAT DECISION FOR ME, or for anyone else. How DARE YOU to assume to take that responseibilty. It takes a very narrow minded person to think the way you think. Sir
I am offended by you and all those who agree with you. You probably feel the SPECIAL OYLIMPICS SHOULD BE BANNED AS WELL,or the MAKE A WISH PROGRAM BE DELETED. Sad part about everthing I've said is, you probably don't understand a word I've said.

Reddoggie, sorry to hear about your accident. But I still dont think you should be allowed to use a crossbow during an Archery only season.

I think hunting is just like anything else in life, you either do what it takes or stay on the porch. Life aint fair and you have to deal with it. I wonder what all those pro sports players do that get hurt?? Maybe the NBA, NFL, MLB, etc. should make special rules so that the injured can still play pro ball. Hell, maybe even I could make an appearance and start as catcher for the Red Sox if they lower the standards enough. I've always been pi$$ed that it takes such a high standard for catchers in MLB. I feel wronged, I feel cheated, they havent catered to my needs. They should lower the requirements so I can play too. Why those bunch of no good...Geesh!!
In Texas the handicapped are allowed to use a crossbow during the archery season for whitetail and mule deer and turkey. Anyone can use a crossbow during the general season. Only muzzleloaders can be used during the muzzleloader only season. Anyone can use a crossbow all year on exotics. These laws apply to public and private hunting here. what it takes or stay on the porch? I guess that means we do away with handicapped ramps, braille dots on elevators, seeing eye dogs, audible "walk-don't walk" signals at intersections, hearing aids, eyeglasses... now where do we stop? Maybe get rid of artificial light? Natural selection will just take it's toll, and all the "gimps" will just go away and not bother the perfect people. But the RULES are what's important, right?

Maybe everyone can't play PRO ball, but even a guy in a wheelchair can play catch or swing a bat. Are you saying he shouldn't, just because he can't run?

(By the way...don't get the wrong idea. I raised twin girls with club feet through 16 years of casts, therapy and surgery and NOT ONCE did we even ask for a handicapped parking permit. Nor did I EVER cater to their handicap...I held their hands when they were in pain after their multiple surgeries, and I cheered when they went on to compete nationally as cheerleaders and on the varsity swim don't think I'm some bleeding heart, namby-pamby charity freak. But I don't believe that people should be denied the pleasures of Life just because something beyond their control happens to them!)
This “holier than thou” stuff really gets old fast.
I’m better than you because I use a bow instead of a rifle; well I’m better than you because I use a long bow instead of a compound bow.
I’m better than you because I hunt free-range animals instead of penned ones; well I’m better than you because I hunt public land instead of managed private land.
I’m better than you because I don’t use dogs or bait or guides or whatever.
I’m better than you because I only take trophy class animals.
I’m better than you because I’m a legend in my own narrow little mind.
I’m better than you because I hunt with nothing but a quart saucepan in one hand to cover myself with and a switch in the other.
Give me a break.
Wow!! Why didn't y'all tell me the party was here?

Ok, it seems there is no middle ground here, you just pick your side, point your peepee and let it rip. So, here's how I feel.

First of all, I don't think all game ranches are bad and should be banned. I think that if someone wants to do it, more power to 'em. That being said, I would vote for I-143 in a heartbeat if it came up here, although I think it was too soft in that it didn't ban elk ranches completely. I don't want you to think I'm against elk ranches, but I'm tired of the lack of responsibility these ranchers are showing. Let me give you an EXAMPLE of why I'm mad.

We all know the issue of CWD, whether we agree it is a serious threat or not. The DOW here is trying to keep it from spreading and has taken some pretty drastic steps. Now, I know all about the arguement over who is responsible for the ORIGINAL spread of CWD, the DOW or the game farms. The truth is probably that neither one is responsible, and if someone is, it would be the DOW. However, the issue now is whether we allow it to spread out of the endemic area. THAT is being greatly facilitated by game ranches. After all, as the ranchers will tell you, CWD has been known in the endemic area since the 1960's. The fact is, it hasn't naturally spread out of that area in 40 years. The fear is that game ranches will spread the disease much faster by shipping infected elk to distant locations.

(Oak, taking a breath) My problem is that all ranchers are not being responsible enough in trying to keep this from spreading. The state Department of Agriculture is responsible for controlling game farms here in CO and has implemented a system for controlling how elk are moved. However, one rancher here knowingly went against those rules and shipped elk that had been penned with infected elk. He knew the rules, but didn't care. Another rancher here has a section of state-owned land leased and high fenced for his elk. The DOW was considering the option of double fencing this area to prevent wild animals from having contact with the domestic elk. However, they are required to get permission from the rancher to put the fence up, even though it would be on public land outside his leased land! Also, the DOW would have to pay for it! I personally think that there should be regulations requiring the rancher to take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of CWD. If they want to farm elk, they should be required to pay for the safeguards. I think the story above is utterly absurd. Because of the lack of responsibility being shown by these ranchers, I say, "Fine, ban 'em all." If you're not willing to play by the rules, you won't be given the choice.

I'm not against folks hunting on game farms. It's not really my thing, but if you want to do it, go for it. But, when game farms begin to potentially harm the wild herds I hunt, I have a problem. And when the DOW has to spend my license dollars to fix the problem, I'm going to vote to let 'em go. I don't know how serious CWD really is, but neither do ANY of you. Therefore, I don't think we should blow it off just because it MIGHT not be serious; if we do it'll probably bite us in the a$$.

If any of you are still reading this, GET A LIFE!! :D ;)

Since when are we in competition ith each other?? MLA,NBA,NHL,NFL, these are all Paid Professionals, how many of us are paid to hunt?
Sure there is always the world record holder, but how many people here are in seriouscontention for that title?

We are loosing hunters at a much faster rate than we are gaining new ones. I feel we should support all hunters no matter if we agree with the style of hunting they do or not.

I personaly have never hunted on one of these big Ranches. Would I? Even if I could afford it I probably wouldn't hunt on one, because if I had that much money I would also probably have the time to scout and find one on public ground. I just don't knock those that are willing to hunt these ranches, it is thier choice.

As hunters we need to support all hunting before it is gone and no one can hunt anywhere.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-12-2001 14:30: Message edited by: snite66 ]</font> guys have made the Exotics page the place to be! :eek:

Well, here's my take on some of it.

I am going to hunt Exotics for the first time in March............mainly for two reasons.........nothing much else is going on then, and I am looking forward to meeting a bunch of these guys......

But in truth, I don't think I could sit in one of those blinds and wait for a critter to come to his evening meal...........but instead have discussed the possibility of stalking some in the back part where there is rugged terrain and longer shots at jittery animals. If not, I'd just as soon watch the others kill some sh!t and just visit. I see nothing wrong with the hunt, but personally will either "hunt them" or just hang out and visit with the other men .....can't wait!

On Crossbows........that's a toughy. I am actually thinking of buying one for the next archery season in Wyo. Yeah, I could get one with my compoud.......but if they said, "DS, the state of Wyoming will let you legally hunt with your rifle in September bugling season next year" can bet your ass I would do it! So It would seem to me I may as well give myself every legal edge possible......which may very well include using a crossbow.

To clarify.........I in no way think a crossbow is even remotely akin to using a compound or recurve, and think its a mest up law that they are legal in the Wyoming Archery season.......but they are legal,therefore I see nothing unethical about the possibility of using one.....not much different that the real early rifle seasons........

.......on another note....Wyo goes overboard allowing crossbows for archery, then falls short on dis-allowing any kind of Muzzleloader season at all......instaed, requiring muzzleloaders to be used on in rifle season...........they go to both extremes with the bow and muzzleloader it would seem.......
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