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270win ammo

Id just run the pmc ammo. A 270 Winchester 150 grain velocities aren't hard on bullets. My guess is that bullet is going 2850-2900 at most which is not going to destroy the bullet. Stick it in the crease and get to packing

Unfortunately that was a box laying around. Doesn’t look like pmc even makes 270 ammo any longer and I couldn’t find the 150grain elsewhere online
In order of preference:

Winchester Supreme 140 grain AccuBond CT

Good luck w CO elk!
Handloading. I'm leaving to antelope hunt in Montana tomorrow. Low on ammo, looked up the load in my log. Ready to go.
You were 110% spot on with this. I spoke with Mike at nosler and he basically said the exact same thing. The LR Accubonds cannot stabilize hence their inconsistency. He offered to exchange the 5 boxes I have for anything they sell which is top notch customer service. I picked up 2 boxes of the federal premiums with 150gr nosler partitions, two boxes of the fusions 150grain and one box of the hornady precision hunters ( I may have same issue with those as I did with the accubonds so I only bought one) I will test all of the above tomm at 100yards and see which group the best, then I will dial everything back in from 200-400 yards over the next few days.
What mtmuley said in the post above^^^ all that brass you’ll have piled up and start rolling your own.
I was boiling inside today scratching my head at what it could of been. I brought my trigger pull down just below 3lbs about a month ago and thought maybe my two bolts had come loose so I checked with fat wrench and that wasn’t it. The only other thing I did was reset my zero on my cds so then I began thinking it was something with my scope. Was happy (and furious) at the same time to findout it was the ammo. I will touch base on here tomm to let you know what worked best for me. I also bought one box of the browning bxc in 145 grain. Ultimately I will end up exchanging the 5 or so boxes with nosler for bullets and reload myself.

I'm impressed with the service from Nosler, glad they are taking care of you there.

And like @mtmuley said, when you have a load worked up, it sure is nice to just load a few more and head out the door!
off the shelf nothing shoots better all around for my family then Federal Fusions in the 150 variety. My brother runs Browning AB3, Other brother runs Ruger M77, me and my cousin both run savages all .270s. All will hold 1 1/2" group at 100 yards or better. I load ammo for all but one with known recipies for each on, but it is really nice to know that in a pinch and it has happened a box of fusions will perform for a hunt.
I have a 270win. Been shooting it for years. Just did a Antelope hunt in Wyoming. Shot him at 350 yards frontal with slight quartering away. Got top of heart, lung and liver. I’ve been using Hornady Superformance SST 130 gr. Groups at 100 yards are all touching and looks like one hole. Here’s the bullet I got out of the antelope found in the hide just in front of rear quarter.


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Boy I'm glad I don't shoot factory ammo. Really confusing trying to figure out what what way to go. Were it me, I think I'd just see how Rem core lock's work in it and be good to go. Probably any ammo you get will work well to a min 200 yds and most game is shot at under that. Out here in the west where the hunter seldom see's game at less than 3/4 mi I think the average kill is still less than or right around 200 yds! Amazing how that works. Must be about ten zillion different kinds of ammo on the market these days. Only one good answer to this, start reloading! Then you get to choose from ten zillion different bullet's, all claimed to be the end all!
What about 130 Nosler Partitions? Federal should still be loading them. That's what I used in my Ruger 77 .270 for Elk before I bought my .340 30 years ago.
I have shot lots of Interlocks in various calibers for many years. They have not disappointed me. I have a 270 that shoots the 130 Interlocks, from the American Whitetail ammo, into touching groups out to 300 yards. You don't need expensive, fancy ammo. The 130 has killed a lot of critters for people, over the years. I would not hesitate to use it on elk.
I tried multiple different brands over the course of a few days from 100-400 yards and surprisingly the 145 grain brownings grouped the best. I have a friend that is going to make me a few diff hand loads CE52B9B7-92D2-4A88-AE8E-F1BF3C583F41.jpeg62D1F74C-8FE6-4D58-BFDF-D6215B929CA7.jpegto try but those grouped best for me. And they scored my first elk as well. Thanks for all the input from everyone.
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