Kenetrek Boots

270win 145 eldx H4831sc load data info

Maybe the Barnes TTSX 130 grain is a better option. Priced in the middle and bullet retention for elk over the ELDX and accubond and being a longer bullet it would help buck the wind at longer ranges . Should be great medicine for deer and pronghorn.
Maybe the Barnes TTSX 130 grain is a better option. Priced in the middle and bullet retention for elk over the ELDX and accubond and being a longer bullet it would help buck the wind at longer ranges . Should be great medicine for deer and pronghorn.
Bullet might not expand/deconstruct (transfer energy) at extended range if thats important. The velocity threshold for those copper bullets is higher than eldx or ablr.
I used 143 Eldx's in a 6.5 creedmoor in '22 on 2 whitetail and 2 antelope, longest shot was 230, closest was 40 yds.
I agree with above statements, there was way too much bullet fragmentation and jacket separation for my taste.
Went to Hornady 165 CX in 300 win mag this year and was much happier with results on several deer. Your mileage may vary.
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Bullet might not expand/deconstruct (transfer energy) at extended range if thats important. The velocity threshold for those copper bullets is higher than eldx or ablr.

Bullet might not expand/deconstruct (transfer energy) at extended range if thats important. The velocity threshold for those copper bullets is higher than eldx or ablr.
My max shooting distance on an animal with the right conditions would be 400 yards
Bullet might not expand/deconstruct (transfer energy) at extended range if thats important. The velocity threshold for those copper bullets is higher than eldx or ablr.
Or maybe the Barnes 140 TSX hollow point. Faster expansion on deer,pronghorn and slightly heavier to help with elk game . Just will lose some velocity.
On my 270 Win, I’ve primarily reloaded 100gr-140gr bullets. Loadings are as close to or over 3,000fps. My fastest was 3,400, Barnes 110 TSX. I never saw a reason to load heavier bullets for this caliber. Because realistically the 270 Win was made to be a fast flat rifle and to get there powder is in the neck, sometimes compressed.
I’ve had great results with the faster burn rate ball powders Winchester 6.5 Staball/H100V. They fall right next to one another in the burn rate chart and I use them almost interchangeably. Besides those, I’m also a fan of Ramshot Hunter and that was the powder that was fastest with Barnes 110gr.
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