Caribou Gear

270 WSM or 300 WSM

looks like you already have some coined saved up if those prices are correct..
I dont' think there is a right or wrong answer to this question. To me its all about personal want more than anything. I would feel comfortable in any hunting situation (sans big bears) with a rifle chambered in .277 and up.

The past 4-5 years I've grown quite partial to my M70 in 325WSM, and I have a closet full of rifles to chose from.
I have the 270 wsm and am really liking it. I've only shot a bear and a caribou with it so but it sure shoots flat and has great energy way out there. You can go up to 150 grains and it would drop and elk no problem. Out of all the WSM's it seemed to have the most improvement in ballistics and energy over the standard rounds like 270, 7mm, and 300. I'm no gun expert though and just went with some gun guru's advice.

I know that with reloading the 270 wsm you can really get some great loads.
I have a 270 wsm and its my main gun an absolutely love it. I shoot handloads topped with 140 grn. accubonds, i am sure the 300 wsm is a good gun as well but I have heard more then one person complain about the recoil being so sharp on it.....
Ditto Drakes comment on the 7mm.

My favorite by far, much better ballistics in almost every bullet brand available.

I do own a 300WSM that has been pretty damn nice too.

Just get comfortable shooting whichever one you decide on and that will be all that matters.
Critter you can't comment you've got the all time sniper rifle being built. I've got a feeling you're going to have a companion next year whether you like me or not;) I want to shoot an elk at 800yds:D
Any of them are plenty big enough to kill any animal your son is going to point it at.

Save some coin and buy a ruger or remington.

For once I agree with Randy on this one. But if I had to make the choice it would be the 270 wsm. When in doubt always go with the skinny one. :eek:
Whats Wrong with the Browning I linked Above ?

Nothings wrong with it, there's just a whole lot more right with the other brands, especially the new Rugers. Just opinion though.
I have a savage in 300wsm, I used to shoot 180 gr. bullets but switched to 165 gr this year and didnt have any problems with accuracy. I did get a muzzle break put on for a little comfort, but now a guy could actually sit at the range for extended periods now. I would suggest reloading the ammo if you go that route, off the shelf gets a little on the pricey side.
Nothings wrong with it, there's just a whole lot more right with the other brands, especially the new Rugers. Just opinion though.

My boy shot Buglers .270 Browning this year for his deer. He likes that gun. And , his Leopold VX-III B&C Reticle Scope. He's pretty sure he wants to match it. He's going to front some money and I'll front some money. Then, I might get to borrow it if I'm nice ;)

He used my 300 Mag at the elk this year and liked taking it down at 478 yards. My scope wasn't as nice as Buglers though. Yah, grant it that is a long shot but hunting where we do you are often shooting elk across the canyon. So he's thinking about uping the .270 to a 300WSM for that reason and for elk. Hence the question.

I would suggest reloading the ammo if you go that route, off the shelf gets a little on the pricey side.

I have NO reloading stuff and NO desire to take the time or spend the money to get set up. Heck, we buy a box of Ammo and it lasts for about 17-18 animals usually. Thats 2 years of hunting mpre or less///////. So what if it cost $40 a box ;) ;)
There he goes again with the "too big for deer" argument. Perhaps he's still worried about the deer being "too dead"? On the other hand, how many elk do you suppose have been killed shooting a .270? Oscar, same comment I've always made. Find a rifle the fits him and let him learn to shoot it. Remember the old addage about the man with only one rifle?
Dude no brainer, it's a kids rifle. Let him shoot something he will be comfortable shooting. The 270wsm is plenty large enough to take down an elk. My dad has killed lots of elk with that caliber and so would little o.
Dan, there "WHO" goes with the "too big for deer" argument. Nobodys argued that side in this thred yet that I've seen ?

Bugler, I killed my first elk with a 270. I think elk have been killed with less ? I know it can be done.

How much more does a 300WSM with a boss kick then a standard 270 ?
I have both chamberings Moosie...the 300 is my go to. I don't know anything about ther Boss set up but the recoil difference between those two shorts with mine is negligible IMO.
I would be awful wary of the BOSS w/muzzle brake. While most muzzle brakes are loud.....for some reason the BOSS muzzle brakes are super loud. Brownings are plenty accurate as it is. Get used to saying "Huh?" if you get the muzzle braked BOSS.

my 2 cents on the rifle would be the browning 270 wsm. Stay away from the ruger, I have had a couple, and they were minute of pie plate shooters.

Good luck.
Moosie you know that in do time we will have both because you have more than One son!!! :) After you have both you can cover all the bases!
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