.270 Powders

For 20 years I used only H4831 in my 270. I did try out H4350 and RL-22 but didn't find anything better than H4831 for accuracy and velocity. Then I tried RL-26 a couple years ago when it first came out. Got 3100 fps with 140 grain Bergers and groups were just as good as with 4831. I think it's the best powder ever made for the 270. Too bad it's in such short supply. Lucky I bought 5 pounds before it became scarce.
For 20 years I used only H4831 in my 270. I did try out H4350 and RL-22 but didn't find anything better than H4831 for accuracy and velocity. Then I tried RL-26 a couple years ago when it first came out. Got 3100 fps with 140 grain Bergers and groups were just as good as with 4831. I think it's the best powder ever made for the 270. Too bad it's in such short supply. Lucky I bought 5 pounds before it became scarce.
Yep. Too much good stuff happening with new powders to rely on the old standbys. mtmuley
Honest question about chasing max speed in a 270. I've only been reloading for about 5 years now and still have a lot to learn. In the 270's I've found a great load with a 130 grain at around 2930 (chrono) and stopped there without the need to try and max out. What does an extra hundred fps really buy? Looking at ballistic charts, the difference is only a few inches at 400 yards. Seems negligible to me.
You're right, 100 feet per second isn't enough to make much difference. I just always like to get the full potential out of a cartridge, if possible. But, accuracy trumps everything. Having said that, you should be able to get at least 200 feet per second more than that with a 130 grain bullet.
60 grs of h4831 behind 130 gr Nosler partition has worked for me in two rifles for 30 years. Doubt I’ll be switching anytime soon😄
While H4831SC is where I start with .270, my win1885 really liked H4350 with 130gn TTSX, so you may want to try a few powders.
Yep. Too much good stuff happening with new powders to rely on the old standbys. mtmuley

I'm really slow to try new stuff. always figured if it works, don't fix it! Don't have a 270 any more and don't remember what I used when I had one.
IMR-4350. I load 54.0 grains of it behind a Barnes 130 TTSX. I have also used the same charge with the 130 Hornady Interlock in the past.
In my .270 Win rifle.... H4350-49.2grains w/ Nosler Accubond 140g has been my staple for years. Good luck with your trials...
I'm using Hybrid 100V right now...140grain Partitions are going right around 3000. This rifle is going being switched over to non-lead and I think H4831SC is where I'm going to start.

RL-26 should be able to push a 150grain bullet over 3000fps easily though that stuff may be hard to find.
Do you like that hybrid 100? I am going to try to load that for my barnes 130 grains.
Do you like that hybrid 100? I am going to try to load that for my barnes 130 grains.
I like it ok. This rifle isn't the most accurate to begin with but in a 22" barrel Win70 Featherweight it does seem to be fast. After a little bit of research I've decide that RL26 (if I can find some) is my next powder to try in a handful of rifles.
While i don't have a 270, i do own a 280. RL26 was fast, and accurate. I just didn't care for the recoil impulse.
Right now i'm load testing Alliant Power Pro 4000, and Norma MRP with decent accuracy results using 150gr Ballistic Tips. Haven't run them over a chrono yet.
IMR 4831, RL19, RL22, Hybrid 100 good powders also.

I'm not sure where you people live, here in central PA, Reloder 26 is cheap and plentiful. Just don't tell our governor!!!
That s what I use in my .270 for sheep/caribou...but 53.5gr is most accurate in my .270

New reloaders, be careful since Barnes max is 54.5 for that load so work your way up...
Barnes min is 49.1 gr for 130 gr TTSX, IMR4350

My Rem700 in 270 settled on 53.7gr of H4831 with a 150gr Accubond LR. About 0.75" at 100 yards. I didn't start at MOACL but at 3.269" or about the same length that Nosler seems to load 150gr ABLR ammo on the shelf. Should I try to tighten the group by changing seating depth or would I just be chasing my tail with a Rem700? This is a pre-buyout (~2002) Remington CDL. Hasn't had a ton of rounds through it. It's just a muley/elk rifle.
A few years back I was given 4 lbs of win 760. Being unsure what I should use it for I did some reading and found a load for my 270 with 130 grain bullets and it is all I have loaded in it since. Great groups and all the critters died on the spot if I did my part right. It is very easy to measure.

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