Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

25 Wyoming Sheep Points


Dec 9, 2022
I currently have 25 sheep points in Wyoming. As a non resident, I pretty much need to use a guide as most of the areas that I have a shot of drawing are mostly wilderness, except for unit 5. I would love advice on preferred guides, units to consider, and whether or not hunting unit 5 as a DIY hunt could be successful. I am 63 years old, but in good shape. I would love the satisfaction of doing it on my own, with maybe help from someone for safety reasons and a second set of eyes, but don't want to risk being unsuccessful on my one and only chance at a bighorn sheep. TIA
Josh Martoglio and Meade Dominick would be worth your phone call in terms of outfitters. Both very well known for sheep and success. Josh took a couple real giants last fall. Trails west outfitters is Josh, 7d outfitting is Meade.
I totally understand the desire to do a sheep hunt on your own and credit you for that attitude. If you can hunt with a guy like Meade, though, I would really consider it. It opens up a ton of country to you that requires a WY guide, of course. But it’s other things, too. Part of that memorable experience will be the country, the pack trains in the high country, the camp, etc. It’ll be such a neat experience if you can pull it off. Also, speaking from experience, it will be nice to have an experienced sheep hunter there with you. The problem with sheep hunting on your own is that very few of us have any real experience doing it. Looking back on my one shot at it, I can think of a number of things I’d do differently if I had another chance. A guy like Meade will keep you from making those sorts of mistakes with your once-in-a-lifetime tag.
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Is 25 points what it takes for a NR to get a sheep tag? (Sorry for derailment)
24 points for 2024 was the bubble, meaning 25 will be the bubble in 2025. 66 people have 26 or more, and 209 have 25 points. Not everyone will apply. Big die-off or tag quantity changes will change application patterns. If I were 63, I'd be using a guide if I weren't allowed access to the whole unit (wilderness restrictions).
24 points for 2024 was the bubble, meaning 25 will be the bubble in 2025. 66 people have 26 or more, and 209 have 25 points. Not everyone will apply. Big die-off or tag quantity changes will change application patterns. If I were 63, I'd be using a guide if I weren't allowed access to the whole unit (wilderness restrictions).
Good info, thanks.
Can you hunt BH successfully without a guide? OF COURSE. But pretty much the same as any other DIY adventure only if you have the right mindset and skills. There's nothing magic about WY mountains or sheep, though if you check prices for sheep vs. elk from the same camp you might be suspicious that there is.

Big mountains, big sheep, and rumour has it some big toothy bears. It is some spectacular country and the sheer size of it can be somewhat intimidating, but even the longest journey begins with a single step. I pulled the #5 tag years ago and had a grand adventure on my own with a really nice ram at the end of it that was 1 year younger than the oldest on record from that unit (Not a precise science mind you).

But if the physical exertion and the toothy bears intimidate you into truck camping and getting skunked then it is hardly a bargain worth contemplating after all those years of acquiring points. I'm your age and would pounce on the chance to go back into those mountains with tag in hand, though I'd be a bit wary after the first week of October.

I think I did a write up on this site with good pics a long while ago and I'm positive a few other guys have done the same, though they may have gone guided, IIRC. Either way guided or no #5 is a very special place indeed. I'm sure the bordering units would be just as grand and are fully accessible if you comply with the guide regs.
Out of curiosity being 25 points deep have you been into the unit? Personally I would have made a trip out last year some time in the summer and just did a backpack trip to see what I thought about if I could handle this with or without a guide
I drew in unit 2 in '22 with 22 pts and went with Meade. Avail for a call to discuss how I navigated through all the outfits. Spoke with most of them. Besides the interview with the man, next best info I wanted was where to apply and why...resident pressure and where does it come from, likely hunt area in unit and distance from trailhead (huge), time of year thoughts (I wanted a bit later), how many asst guides in camp, who will main guide be, can you come back later in season if no harvest, etc. Most Cody outfits guide in all 5 Cody units, but it was hard to decide on these vs others such as unit 7 (did like my conversation with Dustin Childs as well) and one other outfit that has less sheep exp. but has a camp as remote as any in the lower 48 that I can talk to you about.

You said you don't want to risk not harvesting, and at your age that is as honest as you can be with yourself. I am 52 and in shape as well so same deal. Agree with all said here, but to put the DIY thing to bed I'll add that being from Colo and being in on about two dozen sheep kills in just two units that I know well (not my own hunt because you can't draw with max points in Colo...thanks CPW!) is every sheep hunt gives you some new piece of habitat info that rams use in one year but not the next, or that I didn't know even existed that is eye-opening and extremely helpful for that hunt. And, I have elk hunted these two sheep units for about 25 years now. You never stop learning with mtn terrain. Then, take a top outfitter that hunts 10-12 guys a year times 30 years of experience. Priceless!
Lots of good suggestions here Bwillig. I took a Wyoming bighorn in 2004 in Unit 4 with Windriver Mt. Outfitters. At the time I was 54 years old and I was also thinking of going on my own because of the expense, etc. I've always been a DIY guy, but after that sheep experience, I was super glad I didn't try to do it myself. Just getting into most units, including 5, require horses/equipment, and the ability to stay for an extended amount of time. A DIY guy could spend weeks in that country just trying to find where the sheep hang out. An experienced guide will get you into sheep pretty quick.

At best you will only have a small chance of drawing, even with 25 points so I'd bag any thoughts of doing it on your own. Connect with a good outfitter for application advice and then start saving $ for a great adventure. Good luck and share with us if your number comes up.
Out of curiosity being 25 points deep have you been into the unit? Personally I would have made a trip out last year some time in the summer and just did a backpack trip to see what I thought about if I could handle this with or without a guide
I’ve been bowhunting for elk before in the southern portion of it, but mostly figured once I drew the tag, I could decide to book a guide or not. With so few tags, I’m sure I could get an outfitter lined up.
I’ve been bowhunting for elk before in the southern portion of it, but mostly figured once I drew the tag, I could decide to book a guide or not. With so few tags, I’m sure I could get an outfitter lined up.
Elk and sheep probably don’t live in the same place in that area if it was me I would highly consider a guide

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