Just wrapped up 23 big game season, i dont tell stories like many here but will share some pics. Weather and hunting pressure both gave me fits at times like never before, ate several tags just being picky. Left late august, only drew 1 good tag and no antelope buck this year only 2nd time in 10 years i think so was pretty light tag year. Shot a cow with a muzzy rather than a smaller bull. Chased some monster bulls could never finish deal in both archery and rifle hunts. Had a great family hunt for whitetails and hosted a DAV guest for a great elk hunt. Going to try and catch up on some of your falls on HT in next few days and really looking forward to @seeth07 summary! Hope you guys had a fun and safe fall, enjoy the pics. Up next some waterfowl/birds and maybe some cat/dog hunts and ice fishing aint far away.
4cousins hunt
cousins buck
my whitey
muzzy cow, kit dad gave for xmas 20+years ago, so much fun
last day 6x7, never closed deal on any of big ones
watched this buck all archery season, liked his extra
cow herd of 200+ made mistake of walking up to me on road while bull hunting
dav guest and his biggest bull
4cousins hunt