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.223 for coyotes?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I'm thinking of getting a .223 (unless I can convince my wife to let me splurge for a TactTwenty) for coyotes mainly and various sundry other varmints (see other post for plans). However, some I've talked to here in UT keep telling me the .223 doesn't have the poop for the longish shots (>300yds) that they claim are the norm here. I'd probably load a 50gr. bullet of some flavor. True, not true? Most here suggest either a 22-250, Swift, or 243. I like the cheapness of feeding the .223, which I plan on shooting LOTS!
Whether you have a .223, .22-250 or .20 Tact, you still need to know the range in order to hit small targets. Coyotes may not be quite as small, but any round still has a curved trajectory. A heavy bullet in .223 should still have enough poop for a coyote, as long as you can estimate the range or use a rangefinder. The difference in trajectory is only inches at 300 or 350 yards, but those inches can make a difference.

Now if you want to make those 675 yard shots like Shaky, then you might want something special. Otherwise, shooting a .223 more (because the ammo is cheaper) will make you a better long range shot - practice at both shooting and range estimation makes perfect - well almost.
I primary varmint gun is a 222 rem I will not hesitate to shoot it upto 300. I also have a 223.

The 223 is very capable of 300yd shots. Premium bullets and shot placement go a long way.
I hunt coyotes just north of you in Idaho, Before I built the 20 I shot hundreds of coyotes with my .223's. Its all about shot placement. the bullet is not as crutial as placement. However quality bullets make for quicker kills. I like the Barnes 45grn and 53grn XLC's for long range shooting, but there will almost always be an exit. The 40grn and 50grn VLC's will also work they just don't work well out past 275 yards.

The big picture is shooting your gun a lot and learning the coyote anatomy and shot placement, shot placement, shot placement.

Thats my 2 cents

.223 will get the job done, if you reload you can shoot any of the calibers mentioned for close to the same money.

Margin for error on long shots are greater with the .223 than with the 22-250 , or .243. Other than that all have put down their share of varmints.

You could just go buy happy and get all three , then build the .20 for, well just because it should be fun.

later pup
Yeah,like I did.I got to shoot all these varminter caliber puppies today,and man am I a happy hunter!

My bushmaster varminter is really nice and very accurate,I need to go to the range on a less windy day and finalize the zero,but I have found the load for it.25 grains of H335 with a Hornady 55 grain V-Max and COAL of 2.250 will give me a nice load to shoot coyotes with.

I am tickled pink with the new load I worked up for the 22-250,it works much better than that factory made winchester white box 45grainer garbage I started out with.Shots are now staying where they belong.

My 308 barrel shot the loads I had previously worked up for a BAR very well.

I ran out of time and couldn't shoot the 300 WSM,so I'll go next week after the procedure and finalize the zeros on these guns.I could have done it today,but we had a really bad crosswind blowing all my shots 2 inches right on the 308,and 4 or 5 inches right on the 223 and 22-250.I am still tickled to death with the gun club rifle range,first time I've been there and it's an excellent fscility.

Now all I have left to do is work up loads for the 17Rem and the 20 tact,when they get here.

1 pointer,you should seriously consider one of the AR type 223's,they shoot extremely well and are incredibly accurate right out of the box!
The 223 is a great predator gun. 300 yrds is doable but i try not to. Here is a pic of my predator rig.

You should be able to bring em in closer than 300 yrds though. But there is always the exception.
I like your bipod crapshoot (the wall). To steady your camera put gun next to wall, place feet approx 2 feet (no pun intended) from wall, lean forward and place top of head against wall, look down. Now that base is setup, hold up camera and take cool pictures of a badd AR (the evil black gun).

Then post and make all drool over pic.
1_pointer, If your worried about long shots,with a .223 don't take em, just get into callin and most shots are well under a 100 yrds, I use my .223 80% of the time and leave my 22-250 and 25-35 ackley at home. I have made some 300 plus shots while driving around, but have also lost a few yotes at that distance with the .223. but it's still my favorite varmint caliber either in a long gun or my contender. just plain fun to shoot....h2m
here is what I'd do...don't buy a new rifle. Finish your 6.5 project. That will reach out and touch them at long distance.
Thanks for the replies. I'm still mulling.

T-bone: the 6.5 project went bye-bye. I'm taking a different route for that one.
1-pointer, I have yet to shoot a coyote at over 100 yards in Utah that I considered to be a called coyote. Sometimes I carry a Mini-14 Ranch rifle that I feel 150 yards is pushing the limits of my equipment. Not because it is a .223 but because I don’t have the confidence in the rifle. My bolt guns on the other hand are capable of much longer shots. Personally I prefer 55 gr. Bullets. Go with what works for you.

I’m with Hunt2much call ‘em ‘til you see the gold in their eyes. It is a lot more fun for me.

Nice rig crapshoot
Thanks for the tips fellas! I'm thinking a straight up .223 may be the best bet, but the AI version is tempting. Which flavor I go with depends on how much purse string I have freedom with. Thanks again.

Hey, ColdNosed, where do you hail from in UT? Maybe we could get together sometime and you could show me a few tricks to calling Mr. Wylee in?
you guys from utah need to join the Gem State Predator Hunters Assn and come up for the hunts,, You can learn an awful lot in a couple days hunting with and around other hunters and you can contribute a lot also.

Where's the Gem State?
I'll give it some thought.

BTW, I have a line on a Rem 788 in .222 with bases, rings, 3 clips, 200 rounds of handloads and other brass for $375!!!! I realize the 788 is the greatest action ever, but would this be a good deal?

Also, found a Rem 600 in .222 with a Banser Stock, bases, rings, SS trigger guard for $450!! Says the barrels shot, can only get 5" groups at 100. BUT, $450 + $420 to Pac-Nor = Tact20!!!

My b-day is later this month...
I might be able to convice my wife of something!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-23-2003 13:27: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>

There are a lot deeper wells of knowledge and experience around than I. But I’m close enough that it is doable. Sounds like fun.

Slydog, I owe you an e-mail but it may be a day or two away. You can count me in on the GSPHA.
1pointer,any of the calibers you've mentioned you had a line on will work,but the twenty tactical will require you to reload,as factory ammo is not available at this time.

Slydog,me and cold nosed were talking about getting together with you next year and doing a yote hunt when and if I can make it for the lion hunt? Maybe meeting Bryan halfway to his place or something ?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-24-2003 09:51: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
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