
'21 Elk in Wy

i'm in CO, but weather wise its similar. except WY gets 3x as much wind.
Yes- plan for cold temps. you can check the weather up to day off, and unless it really shows clear skies with steady 50-60F temps for next 10 days, you can then adjust, but typically in the mountains weather can change very quickly and i wouldn't trust weather forecast more than 5 days out.
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So its just over a week since I started this thread, but I just wanted to post a quick update. The third member of the team confirmed that he's good to go for the trip dates, so we have all three people confirmed. His going also means that we can take his truck, a Tacoma, instead of the Highlander that we would've taken otherwise.

I picked up my first elk call, a small cow call, and have aggravating the wife and dog with it. One of the guys also spotted a canvas tent on marketplace for pretty cheap. Went and looked at it and the canvas was in good shape so he bought it. I'm not sure yet exactly how big it is but hopefully that means we have that taken care of.

Thanks to everyone who reached out with advice about the areas we are looking at and travel/weather stuff. I'm looking forward to the next stage in the game, actually applying for the tags. Also on the agenda this winter is getting a large batch of rounds made up for my rifle since I'm dwindling down on my stock of hunting bullets. And then once deer season ends, the heavy-packed hikes will start as well to try to find some sort of mountain shape in the next year. Initial scans over shaded topo maps doesn't actually look like the mountain is much steeper than some of the stuff we hunt around here, so maybe there's actually a reasonable chance I can lessen the shock when we actually get out there.

Next update will probably be whenever tag applications go in.

1/15 update:
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They are always steeper in person. Always... LOL
Oh I have no doubt. It's much bigger country than where I'm at. Plus the altitude will be a huge adjustment. I was just happy to see that the hills I have access to aren't like flatland compared to where we will be.
Well, as promised this is my "we actually put in for tags" update. I have three points and put in for my general tag this week. Walked my buddy through the cow tag application so now we just wait and see. Kind of worried point creep might get me, especially with the last round of Trump bucks coming through during WY application time. If I don't draw and my buddy does, we will make the most of it and go. Probably will mean I'll start looking into the other tag opportunities a lot harder in that area. But I'm going to try to stay optimistic and keep planning as if I'll draw.

On the gear front, we've made some purchases. The third member of the group picked up a canvas tent (not really a wall tent, but it will work just fine) so that's covered. I got a different puffy (EB 800 fill) and am very glad I did because it is much warmer than my previous one (a FF one that I didn't even know the fill power on when I bought it). The only one of us who didn't have an adequate pack got one for Christmas so we're good on that front. I got a kifaru gun bearer and WOW am I glad I did. By far the best way to carry a rifle with these frame packs. I'm still looking for a few things, such as gaiters (dual purpose because my boots and pants get SOAKED when I'm turkey hunting because of the dewy grass), sleeping pad, better base layer, and some odds and ends. Oh yeah, and I need some primers to load up my hunting bullets....

On the prep front, the two of us in worse shape (one does a lot of mtn biking and is in great shape) have been working out regularly. Once my covid quarantine ends, I'm planning some weighted hikes. Continuing to escout. Right now I'm focusing on finding areas that we should be able to glass from. Got a few places picked out.

So that's about where things are. Don't think there was anything else I wanted to mention that I haven't. Thanks again for all those who have helped out thus far. Not sure when I'll update again, probably at least once before the draw actually happens.
I've only hunted the far western part of the state, but I would definitely be putting in for the cow tag. Where i hunt, I get the reduced price cow/calf tag. I have never not gotten one, even after they went to a draw from first come first serve a couple yeas ago. Good luck to you.
A couple of things I haven’t seen mentioned. First, be aware of drifting snow. Could get you stuck, allot. Ask me how I know. We were prepared for it so we got through it fine. Second, you mentioned a sleeping pad. If you have room in your tent, a good cot with your pad is a must. Way more comfortable than being on the ground with a pad. Hope you draw and have a blast.
A couple of things I haven’t seen mentioned. First, be aware of drifting snow. Could get you stuck, allot. Ask me how I know. We were prepared for it so we got through it fine. Second, you mentioned a sleeping pad. If you have room in your tent, a good cot with your pad is a must. Way more comfortable than being on the ground with a pad. Hope you draw and have a blast.
I am going to add to this a bit. I have been camping in deep snow. I have been doing military training in deep snow and went through a number of cold weather training series when I was in the Marine Corps and in the Army/Army National Guard. If you are experiencing cold weather, you DO NOT want to be sleeping on the ground or you will feel cold. You want deep padding, more than a roll out sleeping pad. Ideally you have a cot with an insulated sleeping pad under you. The more comfortable you are, the better you do hunting. You do not want to be come even slightly hypothermic.
I am going to add to this a bit. I have been camping in deep snow. I have been doing military training in deep snow and went through a number of cold weather training series when I was in the Marine Corps and in the Army/Army National Guard. If you are experiencing cold weather, you DO NOT want to be sleeping on the ground or you will feel cold. You want deep padding, more than a roll out sleeping pad. Ideally you have a cot with an insulated sleeping pad under you. The more comfortable you are, the better you do hunting. You do not want to be come even slightly hypothermic.
Pay attention to this advice
This is what I recommend when you are sleeping on the ground. It puts air between you and the ground and not only does it help with stopping the rocks and that from making you uncomfy, it also insulates you against the cold ground. It's a little bulkier than a foam rollout pad, but you can deflate these and roll them up and tie to your pack.

Love how this thread was positive and helpful. We need more guys willing to give positive input and not whine about hunting pressure. Looking forward to another Wyoming elk hunt in the next year or two.
Elk hunting might be out this year for me due to finances thanks to some medical emergencies with the wife. Going to focus on antelope, deer, birds, and small game unless things improve and then it will be a general tag most likely if I do elk at all.
Sorry to hear that Doug. If I do luck out and draw, I’ll be hunting pretty close to you if you need anything.
Might trade some elk for a cup of coffee.
Alright, we have draw results so it is thread update time.

First off, I drew my general tag and my buddy drew his cow tag so we are good to go. I've continued to look at the area we will be going on OnX and Google Earth but I'm planning on getting the three of us together at once so we can all pour over stuff together to have some game plans worked out.

On the preparation front, I have been able to scrounge together all the powder, bullets, and primers needed to load up plenty of rounds. I'll start going to the range here soon to practice farther than I normally shoot. Most of the gear is lined up, though we still need to do a dry run of the tent setup to see exactly what kind of room we are working with.

Personally, things are going well. We've got a healthy baby boy at home who turns 2 weeks old tomorrow. I've dropped 15 lbs since January and have been getting out for as much walking/hiking as I could. Now that turkey season is over I will load up my pack for some training hikes.

Thanks again for everyone who has contributed through this thread. I'll probably update a couple more times as we approach the hunt date.