I took a trip to eastern montana this last weekend to do some work on my house I am selling. My friend and I took a couple of hours saturday afternoon to kill a few prairie dogs with my new .204 Ruger. All I can say is this gun puts a hurting on varmits.
These are 2 prairie dogs that I could actually piece together for pictures. This gun just ripped these critters apart.
Sunday afternoon I shot a coyote with this same rifle and the exit hole was as big as my fist. I was really impressed with this gun. I was shooting Hornady factory loads with 40 grain V-max bullets. I have shot this gun quite a bit on the range so I was excited to see how it performed in the feild.
These are 2 prairie dogs that I could actually piece together for pictures. This gun just ripped these critters apart.
Sunday afternoon I shot a coyote with this same rifle and the exit hole was as big as my fist. I was really impressed with this gun. I was shooting Hornady factory loads with 40 grain V-max bullets. I have shot this gun quite a bit on the range so I was excited to see how it performed in the feild.