.204 Ruger? I love it!!!!


Nov 30, 2004
Great Falls, MT
I took a trip to eastern montana this last weekend to do some work on my house I am selling. My friend and I took a couple of hours saturday afternoon to kill a few prairie dogs with my new .204 Ruger. All I can say is this gun puts a hurting on varmits.

These are 2 prairie dogs that I could actually piece together for pictures. This gun just ripped these critters apart.

Sunday afternoon I shot a coyote with this same rifle and the exit hole was as big as my fist. I was really impressed with this gun. I was shooting Hornady factory loads with 40 grain V-max bullets. I have shot this gun quite a bit on the range so I was excited to see how it performed in the feild.

sweet!.........im gonna have to get one of those!
I have been trying to talk the spousal unit into the need for one but so far no go. She thinks I can do it all with a hot loaded 6mm. Won't listen to reason at ALL!!!!!! What was the range on the dog?
I killed 5 prairie dogs and 1 coyote. All critters were shot between 100 and 200 yards, except for 1 prairie dog that was about 250.
What I have notice about this gun is that there is very little recoil so you very rarely loose sight of your target through the scope, after the shot. The best way I can describe it is its like shooting a high powered .22 Caliber.

The way I talked my wife into letting me buy one, is I promised her the rifle was for one of my kids.
if your thinking of reloading for the 204 try AA2520 or RL10 and the 39grn sierra. you wil be very happy
They are like shooting a balloon full of ketchup:) Man, it sure made a hole, I SEE THE LIGHT!
I would like an AR in a 204.

God Bless,

Song Dog