
I was out for the first real time on 10/26, missed a goodern, eating acorns, at 11am, while I was walking out from the stand. There must not have been as much pressure in here yet so the deer weren't pushed all the way back.
Then I got a photo of one daylighting 10/27, and 11:30 am.

Sounds like theres a hot doe nearby or I've just stumbled onto their hot food source.
Things on the Indiana forum I frequent seem to be heating up.....I should be in the stand by Wednesday......can't wait!!!
I will be out Friday. I have been hunting less this year than any year I remember. I don't need to shoot anything because my son is getting into hunting. I still love being out there.
I walked the property I hunt yesterday in Porter county and was blown away at the lack of any sort of deer sign. It’s 112 acre woods surrounded by fields and woods and is typically loaded with deer. I spent 2 hours walking it and did not turn up a single scrape or rub anywhere on the property. I was kinda blown away because by this time of the year the place is usually torn up with sign. I believe Porter county was the hardest hit county in the state for EHD. Pretty disappointing to say the least. I’ve hunted it for 20 years now and honestly don’t know if I’ll even go out for the gun opener Saturday.
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