Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

2024 Utah Draw Results

Well hell you should feel lucky you get to put in for all those hunts. As a resident we only get to put in for 1 species for limited entry we don’t get to put in for multiple species for limited entry! So as residents we get the shaft up the arse!
You do realize that if residents could apply for all species your draw odds would be even worse right?
Actually I was not happy with that change more than a decade ago. Pretty much saturated every draw.
When they did that I debated adding all the extra apps to my deer points, as I figured I’d never get to use them. To my surprise 15 years later, it looks like I’ll actually get an elk hunt out of that. Likely nothing special, but at least a decent elk hunt.
When they did that I debated adding all the extra apps to my deer points, as I figured I’d never get to use them. To my surprise 15 years later, it looks like I’ll actually get an elk hunt out of that. Likely nothing special, but at least a decent elk hunt.
That's because you got in on the 1st year of the change. Anybody that got in after that will never draw a preference tag (for elk or deer anyway, some of the low tier antelope units it's possible)
as far as i know,,the resident pool of tags is totally separate from the non-res pool of tags for utah im pretty sure,,so ther is no competition between res and non-res in utah,,,[now if only they could put back all the "expo tags" back into the regular system} that is what i think is needed i m o.//// by the way if anybody has any info on mt abajo gen muzz deer feel free to p m me as this is gonna be a new area to learn this fall for muzz deer/im open to any and all ideas or starting points//heard there can be nasty lightning storms up high//thanks
That's because you got in on the 1st year of the change. Anybody that got in after that will never draw a preference tag (for elk or deer anyway, some of the low tier antelope units it's possible)
Ya that was part of my rational making the decision. My thought was to buy in on the ground floor, then see how the point creep & odds developed & possibly drop out. But after seeing how elk tags have gone nation wide, glad I bought in. You are correct. If I had a point less, I’d drop out.
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No luck for me, which is pretty much what I figured, based on the odds. Next year is looking better for a mediocre archery tag in a place I like to backpack and fish, but I'll also get to take my bow along for the ride.
The Utah drawing is basically no different than going to Vegas and gambling, I have a neighbor who’s son drew out on the big horn sheep hunt on his 1st try two years ago! As much as I enjoy hunting Utah has ruined the experience! I tried to get my son excited about hunting but he has lost interest due to the crappy odds of getting a tag! He 19 now and has only drawn two tags since he was old enough to start hunting! Not sure how you keep youth excited about hunting when they only get to go every couple of years, hell I’m loosing interest as well! Not to mention the cost of equipment, I like archery but when you only get to use the equipment every few years it’s hard to justify the cost of guns, archery equipment, clothing, etc…
I'm not sure what you are holding out for. I've been able to apply as a resident in UT for only the last 4 years. I have literally drawn tags every year I have been here between deer and antlerless. I have also picked up general elk tags each year. I've been successful all but one of those years in harvesting an animal and it was totally on me for screwing up the opportunity I had that year. I just don't understand the hate that so many have. I have never paid for one of those services to apply for me, I have never subscribed to sites like go hunt to break down all the odds. I do my own research and figure out where I have a good chance of drawing and looks like a place that has area to hunt. If I was super particular about only hunting the top places, then no, I wouldn't draw, but I also wouldn't complain about not drawing either because I knew what I was putting in for and what the odds are. Good luck moving forward...
I'm not sure what you are holding out for. I've been able to apply as a resident in UT for only the last 4 years. I have literally drawn tags every year I have been here between deer and antlerless. I have also picked up general elk tags each year. I've been successful all but one of those years in harvesting an animal and it was totally on me for screwing up the opportunity I had that year. I just don't understand the hate that so many have. I have never paid for one of those services to apply for me, I have never subscribed to sites like go hunt to break down all the odds. I do my own research and figure out where I have a good chance of drawing and looks like a place that has area to hunt. If I was super particular about only hunting the top places, then no, I wouldn't draw, but I also wouldn't complain about not drawing either because I knew what I was putting in for and what the odds are. Good luck moving forward...
Good for you. I wasn't complaining; it is what I was expecting. I am not too concerned about hunting Utah every year. There is a place I want to hunt, so I put in for that tag. I'll be hunting two other states this fall, so that's probably why I am not too concerned about it as well.

Good luck.
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