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2024 Turkey Season!

With one more week of shotgun turkey season here in California I've reached my spring limit of 3 birds. It was an exciting season that included helping and calling in a bunch of birds for friends and some good eats.


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Never in 30+ years of turkey hunting have I had such unhuntable birds! They just gobble a go the other way every single day
I took s trip to Illinois this past week just in time for a bout of terrible weather. Due mostly doing incredibly good luck I tagged out the first morning in the rain. Id rather be lucky than good any day. 10.5" paintbrush beard and 1 1/16 spurs.


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Finally had an opportunity to get out looking for birds, we're two weeks into the season already.

Didn't see any birds, got my truck stuck in a ditch, and was pulling ticks off myself all the way home, but dang it was good to get out there finally. I did scout a couple of nice looking spots that I need to try and revisit as soon as I can.

Two yearling bucks very curious about my decoys.

Tippler’s Bane, past the point of harvest.

Nothing but hens in the decoys so I headed out in the direction of a distant gobble after a couple hours of sitting. The bird was far closer than I guessed it to be. A jake saw a flash of my movement at 20 yards and let out a weak gobble.

I could see 2 more birds and I hoped one might be a tom. Two clucks on the mouth call and it was all over in less than 10 seconds after he ducked under the barbwire.

24.4 lb bird! My next heaviest was under 19 lbs.
Finally had an opportunity to get out looking for birds, we're two weeks into the season already.

Didn't see any birds, got my truck stuck in a ditch, and was pulling ticks off myself all the way home, but dang it was good to get out there finally. I did scout a couple of nice looking spots that I need to try and revisit as soon as I can.

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I dont ever remember so many ticks! Every one leaves a place that itches for a week!!! That didnt used to happen either???

It's been a great season so far but between kids sports and getting my buddy's kids their turkeys I've not had a lot of time to hunt for myself so far. I was finally able to shoot a gobbler the other day. One tag left to fill.