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2024 New Mexico Draw Results

Odds definitely got worse, I’ve got around a 15% chance of getting a tag from my 6 applications. Still better than UT.
You guys are fortunate, I use to be, I’m a self employed logger for 20 years and omg they finally got me, and got me good. All the interest, insurance, mait and repairs, dot, licensing, regulations, Geezze. I had to drop out it was a great 20 year run tho. I plan on jumping back in soon, whomever gets the lucky ticket have fun and enjoy, as you never know what the future will bring.
Nope you didnt miss it ;) I probably won't do a write up on my oryx hunt. It was an off-range, private land, guided hunt gifted to me by the best husband ever. It was awesome though. I killed a great bull and happy to have a freezer full of oryx meat!
That's awesome. Cool bull.
Nope you didnt miss it ;) I probably won't do a write up on my oryx hunt. It was an off-range, private land, guided hunt gifted to me by the best husband ever. It was awesome though. I killed a great bull and happy to have a freezer full of oryx meat!
Wow that's awesome, congrats! I hope to chase em one day. Hell ofa second half you got there.
I drew a NM elk tag in my first year of applying. Beginners luck! Had a great hunt. And have, predictably, been shut out every single year since then.....going on about 8 years or so....expecting the same this year, too. (I think they do that on purpose - give out a tag to a brand new sucker some years, just to ensure they have a steady income stream from those suckers every year from that point forward. Nothing like repeat suckers customers!)
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