2024 Nevada Draw Results

Even with being disappointed numerous times on the draw , it was all worth it when I drew that desert sheep tag and enjoyed a OIL hunt. Did I mention my B&C antelope I drew too, even if it was quite a few years ago.
I’m starting to think ImBillT is on to something. Probably no NR and residents should apply anymore and save their money for more important stuff like Starbucks coffee, beer, cigarettes or other stuff.
Agreed. Pumpkin spice is expensive.
I didn't say it was accurate for non-residents. Nevada residents have the upper-hand obviously, but a non-resident applying for cow elk and HSTE pronghorn would increase their odds.
Yeah, but I’m not driving through CO to shoot a cow elk in NV.
I agree on the math, but I also catch more fish when I'm having a good time.
I wouldn’t suggest that someone who has the extra money should avoid NV in favor of scratch off tickets. I’m simply an advocate for going in eyes wide open at what the odds are of you never drawing a tag there. It’s dishonest to suggest to someone that they’ll get lucky eventually. For non-residents, for the tags that most of them want, there’s no guarantee, but a fair chance at eventually getting a decent deer and/or pronghorn tag, or maybe get lucky and draw a sheep tag on the first try.

There are some tags with higher odds than what I want to apply for. There are other places that fit my plans better for female hunts or non-trophy hunts, and that’s true for a lot of non-residents.

I’ve gone ahead and thrown my money at the license and applied for every male species each year that I have not yet secured a tag when the NV deadline arrives. Ive tossed $14 at a sheep app on years that I already had a deer or elk tag.
I didn't say it was accurate for non-residents. Nevada residents have the upper-hand obviously, but a non-resident applying for cow elk and HSTE pronghorn would increase their odds.

I would love to apply for HTSE as a non-resident, but Nevada doesn't want to let me...
I would love to apply for HTSE as a non-resident, but Nevada doesn't want to let me...
Ah, good point. I forgot about that. No moose or rocky mountain bighorns either. Luckily NR got their one mountain goat tag back :cool:
My plate is now full after hitting in Utah & two slammer Midwest draws. Would be happy just stacking points in Nevada. Prefer to focus on what I have rather than plan a combo hunt. At 65 with two torn Achilles & heart failure, I need to allocate my energy. Would rather see fellow Hunt Talkers score the NV tags I applied for.
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