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2024 Colorado Statewide Sheep, Mountain Goat, and Pronghorn Raffles

Does this come with free sheep advice from @Oak If you win??

Looking forward to getting lucky!
Only 18 more donors at $25 or more gets RMBS $500 in match from the great Big Fin... who wants to step up and help us keep wild and domestic sheep as far apart as possible through allotment retirements?!

These funds are 100% restricted to allotment retirement funds
Is there no limit to how many sheep, goat and pronghorn tix RMBS can sell?
There is no limit, but our odds are WAY better than any other state "governor's tag" raffles. We are the only state I'm aware of that limits the number of tickets a person can purchase (to 25). I am aware of one state sheep raffle where the winner purchased $40,000 worth of tickets and one of the losers purchased $60,000. Great, they made $100,000 from 2 customers, but doesn't really conform to my idea of raffles giving everyone a chance.
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Glad they get the donations, but I'm not sure why someone with 60k to blow on tix doesn't just go buy a Canadian tag.
As far as sales data, percentage of tix per species is all I'm really looking for, I want to see how many other loonies spend most of their money on pronghorn tickets lol
Glad they get the donations, but I'm not sure why someone with 60k to blow on tix doesn't just go buy a Canadian tag.
As far as sales data, percentage of tix per species is all I'm really looking for, I want to see how many other loonies spend most of their money on pronghorn tickets lol
First of sir I'm no looney 🤣🤣. When I bought a few a couple weeks ago they were numbered #440-#443. I'm assuming that meant they'd sold 443 pronghorn tickets up to that point.
Glad they get the donations, but I'm not sure why someone with 60k to blow on tix doesn't just go buy a Canadian tag.
As far as sales data, percentage of tix per species is all I'm really looking for, I want to see how many other loonies spend most of their money on pronghorn tickets lol
Pronghorn are the best odds by far out of the 3.

Rough numbers when I bought tickets last night.

4400 ram
1400 billy
450 pronghorn

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