Kenetrek Boots

2024 AZ credit card hit

I think people of lower IQ apply for hunts they have no chance of drawing, decade after decade, and rather than look inward for the remedy, which is easily found, prefer to blame others for their plight.

Then there are others, who want one hunt or none, and accept the wait without complaining.
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I think people of lower IQ apply for hunts they have no chance of drawing, decade after decade, and rather than look inward for the remedy, which is easily found, prefer to blame others for their plight. have the most access to the internet

Then there are others, who want one hunt or none, and accept the wait without complaining. who know the internet rots their brains
Looks like I'll be headed for AZ for elk on a late hunt this year :). Who knows maybe I got lucky and drew my early season long shot! We will see when results hit the portal, either way I'm pretty happy! I have already drew all the tags I can squeeze in this year. Pretty exciting!
26 elk points and did not draw in Arizona. One can only think this is a potential scam to convince people of lower IQ to continue with this process. The non resident population of American elk hunters might consider this unfair. What are your thoughts?
It is my understanding that Park Rangers for state wildlife refuges in the neighboring state of New Mexico may have determined that a preference or bonus point system could actually create a public health crisis due to the possible negative effect of point accumulation on IQ.

So, it is kind of a “chicken or the egg” question. Did these people start out with lower IQs or did years in the system take away points (and not the ones that increase the odds of drawing a permit)?
Well, card got a hit for elk. Either me, my wife or son drew a bull tag. I'm thinking my son drew it since I don't have a hit for any of the youth hunts, I put him in for.
You and Zim should start a club. :sneaky:

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Both scenarios have their own humor and excitement. Finding out if you drew an AZ elk permit is exciting because it means you have the opportunity to go on a thrilling hunting adventure. On the other hand, ChatGPT thinking @shrapnel is the greatest hunter on earth is humorous because it shows the AI's lack of understanding. And the idea of @BuzzH's hunting schedule being so intense that it could kill the average man is also humorous in a morbid way. Overall, it is subjective as to which scenario is more humorous and exciting.
You and Zim should start a club. :sneaky:

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WTF dude, I have enough preference points stacked to draw one OIL hunt in 2025, 2026, 2027 & 2028 alone, if I live that long and can still walk. So I don’t need any random tag hits. They are just a bonus, which often I don’t even have the energy for. After that, I may rely on luck but I’ll still have several hunts with 30 bonus points in hand, so odds decent. I just like one long archery hunt per year to focus on. This year cashing 27 Utah points for the lone NR Paunsagunt deer tag. I really don’t need distractions when I got an OIL hunt.

Still curious why you make unprovoked personal attacks on some folks but never rag on Randy when he shares my same opinion? I made a long term plan decades ago, and am now bearing the fruits of that. You should try the same.
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Hard questions…..I'm sorry, but I am not familiar with gr8bwana or any information about a stick being up his ass.

William, If I recall correctly, it is not a stick, but actually a cob which is firmly wedged up gr8banana’s ass. I thought both him & coloradogirl went to a proctologist in Denver for proper removal, but it appears there was some complication? Anyway, I wish them both the best of luck in their recoveries.
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WTF dude, I have enough preference points stacked to draw one OIL hunt in 2025, 2026, 2027 & 2028 alone, if I live that long and can still walk. So I don’t need any random tag hits. They are just a bonus, which often I don’t even have the energy for. After that, I may rely on luck but I’ll still have several hunts with 30 bonus points in hand, so odds decent. I just like one long archery hunt per year to focus on. This year cashing 27 Utah points for the lone NR Paunsagunt deer tag. I really don’t need distractions when I got an OIL hunt.

Still curious why you make unprovoked personal attacks on some folks but never rag on Randy when he shares my same opinion? I made a long term plan decades ago, and am now bearing the fruits of that. You should try the same.
Again, no mention of Randy. What’s that?……Like 15 times you evaded my question? How many times, Banana?

Is that a cob up your ass, or a banana?

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