Kenetrek Boots

2023 Wyoming Elk

I'm looking at a WY general elk tag for my son. Was hoping that he could draw using his 4 points in the standard draw but based on possible point creep seems unlikely! Don't really want to use the special draw as that would void his youth tag price.

The other option I have is use my 6 point for a joint application (5.5 average) but was hoping to save my points for 2024 or 2025 and focus on my sons hunt 2023.

I have a tendency to over complicate my application strategy haha. Guess I just need to work out my preferred hunt and apply with the best odds.
I think if I were you and you can swing it financially, I'd put your son in for the special this year. I don't know how old he is or what all he's involved in, but sometimes the available window for young adults is pretty darn small until they get out into a career and established.
Makes me wonder what to do with my 12 points... I am hoping the increase in the special draw will let me get into some of the units I have always been just behind drawing.
And add a waiting period if successful, that would kill some of the point sharing and banking
I think if I were you and you can swing it financially, I'd put your son in for the special this year. I don't know how old he is or what all he's involved in, but sometimes the available window for young adults is pretty darn small until they get out into a career and established.
Thats good advice, thanks. My son is 15 years old so hoping he has a few years of USA hunts until he is busy with work etc. But I guess the worst case is he gets hit with point creep and he misses out on ever using the standard draw (or even the special). It's a big jump to move from $275.00 to $1,268 for a tag, but when I'm in the WY high country with my son 1 Oct 2023 listening to bugling elk I won't be worried about the tag cost!
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It's a big jump to move from $275.00 to $1,268 for a tag, but when I'm in the WY high country with my son 1 Oct 2023 listening to bugling elk I won't be worried about the tag cost!

This ^^^!!! People get all worked up over the price increase, and I agree, it's substantial. But if a person wants to do something bad enough, they'll find a way. It's just money.
I’ve got 7 and a buddy has 2. Was thinking about pooling them together and draw a general but thinking I might be selfish this year and use my 7 and hopefully draw a limited entry somewhere. Haven’t decided yet. I’ve been telling him from when I started buying that he needed to as well. He didn’t
4-8 point creep in Wyoming makes sense per the latest from Big Fin:
It’s not true that all states “changed” their NR draw systems in the last 20 years. Both Iowa & New Hampshire did not. And go figure, but I drew both during that time. It’s the other states that choose to be unethical and take advantage of NR applicants.
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I’ve got 7 and a buddy has 2. Was thinking about pooling them together and draw a general but thinking I might be selfish this year and use my 7 and hopefully draw a limited entry somewhere. Haven’t decided yet. I’ve been telling him from when I started buying that he needed to as well. He didn’t
Same exact story with my dad. I have only two but he has none. One point wouldn’t draw a stick figure….
Thats good advice, thanks. My son is 15 years old so hoping he has a few years of USA hunts until he is busy with work etc. But I guess the worst case is he gets hit with point creep and he misses out on ever using the standard draw (or even the special). It's a big jump to move from $275.00 to $1,268 for a tag, but when I'm in the WY high country with my son 1 Oct 2023 listening to bugling elk I won't be worried about the tag cost!
Uncle Randy always says you’ll run out of health before you run out of money.
We will be jumping in with our points this year to get out of WY for Elk. Next year will be pronghorn. Last year we burned the MT Elk points. Colorado is the last vestige of goodness in the west. (Never thought I would say that)
Colorado is the last vestige of goodness in the west. (Never thought I would say that)
So you've never hunted Wyoming before? I mean Colorado is fine if you enjoy seeing more people than game, or wanna smoke some dank and hit on hippie chicks. I will say all my hunt's except 1, that was a one point unit, so maybe I'm bias. Plan on beginning to burn my 5 deer and antelope and 4 elk points in Colorado starting this year doubt I'll build any more points except maybe for deer after.

Burned my Wyoming points this year had a great hunt plan on buying a point in 2024. Unless I get lucky in the random draw the question is do I shoot for the moon or apply in the general maybe even a type 4 with better random odds?
Don't hate me, but I am guilty of building points for more than a decade (one under max for deer and two under on Elk). I started applying after graduating college and being able to afford to apply in different states. I had intentions of using them a long time ago, but then marriage came, kid #1 came, then kid #2 came, then buying our first house. Always something, but I do not want to run out of health before using them. Now I am in the my 40's and cashing out (lucky to have had the insight to buy them when I was broke and living on credit cards). I'll be cashing out either deer or elk this year for sure in WY. So I am one of those in the sidelines that is jumping in 2023 and 2024 (likely wreck someone's odds of drawing unfortunately). It will take me over a decade to burn all my points for each species that I have in each state (My strategy is drawing a tag with a high points every year and supplement with an easier OTC tag, so I have two hunts a year). I cant hunt like some folks here and go on 4 to 5 hunts a year (I could, but would not be married long).
Don't hate me, but I am guilty of building points for more than a decade (one under max for deer and two under on Elk). I started applying after graduating college and being able to afford to apply in different states. I had intentions of using them a long time ago, but then marriage came, kid #1 came, then kid #2 came, then buying our first house. Always something, but I do not want to run out of health before using them. Now I am in the my 40's and cashing out (lucky to have had the insight to buy them when I was broke and living on credit cards). I'll be cashing out either deer or elk this year for sure in WY. So I am one of those in the sidelines that is jumping in 2023 and 2024 (likely wreck someone's odds of drawing unfortunately). It will take me over a decade to burn all my points for each species that I have in each state (My strategy is drawing a tag with a high points every year and supplement with an easier OTC tag, so I have two hunts a year). I cant hunt like some folks here and go on 4 to 5 hunts a year (I could, but would not be married long).
This is exactly what my approach has been, although I am a few years behind you. I only have 9 points in WY. I retire from the military in 2024, after which I will have the ability to more reliably plan to burn my points in different states over the next decade. I’m excited to pivot to the spending phase instead of the accumulation phase!
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