Kenetrek Boots

2022 shed thread

Hit my favorite spot the other day. Over the last few years I’ve averaged 6-10 a day here. This was the only find and a real lack of deer sign. Weird and disappointing
Think any of those are 30 tall? Or 164? Pretty solid representation of the species there.
They are all 30+ tall and 28+ wide. Luckily I haven't checked my main hunting spots yet, so hopefully I can actually find some decent bucks that made it through the year. Been fewer and fewer every year where I hunt.

All jokes aside, it was pretty dismal this year. I covered a ton of ground and usually find at least one decent buck that had dropped. The nicest bone I found this year were all deadheads... and even those are only 3 year old deer.
I got 18/lb for brown elk last spring, deer was 15/lb. I won’t have much of a sell pile this spring but hoping prices held
Seens to be a trend, has anything ever been higher than now?
$17-18 seems low, I was expecting $20+ this year based on how much EVERYTHING else in my life has gone up. Have to imagine fuel prices impact antler prices.
My daughter hated walking through the briars and brush last year, and I reminded her of this recently. She still begged to tag along. She cried when we got poked by thorns, but lit up when we found this chewed-up little antler. You'd have thought we discovered the Holy Grail.
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