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2022 Fat-Off

Man, is this a thing? Once in a while my left scapula area on my back requires large doses of vitamin I. Then after a couple of days it’s back to normal.
I've had some seriously odd aches and pains over the past three months. I took an old lady (yin) yoga class and the amounts of pops, cracks and creaks that came out of my body has me concerned.
After about 12 days on vitamin D supplement I was back to feeling 100% my old self again, and I’ve stayed that way since. My hair even quit rapidly falling out 😂😂 Backpacking in MT a month ago was a bit of a sufferfest due to lack of adequate prep, but it was a good kick-off to getting back on track to being fit. Last week I pulled the trigger on a Concept2 rowing machine I’d been eyeing, and I got 5 work outs in so far.
Great to see everyone progress and even happy for recoveries that are going well. I hit 65# this past weekend putting me at 174.7 (since Nov '21)... starting to really focus/transition to the maintenance and conditioning state. Kettlebells have become my friend!!! Been feeling great hiking the hills on scouting trips and kicking myself for falling off the wagon the last few years. Now to not regress through all the summer BBQ and vacation...
I'm generally in the same boat, when I'm actually active and doing something I like and want to do I don't eat for a few days. But by like day 5 or 6, it catches up and I can't stop eating. On a backpack hunt I plan on 1.25 pounds of food per day total. I don't eat it all for the first half, then eat the surplus the rest of the trip.

I'm a micromanager so I check everyday and adjust accordingly. I figured a few years ago that I was getting too old to "get" in-shape (f@#$ it's hard to do) and needed to focus harder on "staying" in-shape. I won't put out any actual numbers, but I'm not drinking beer for the next month to try to trim back the extra. We'll see how many cheat days I end up with.

Kauai in Feb, need to see more abs by then because I know pics will be taken.
Lol looking back on this...

I think I didn't drink for like 4 days, stress=booze

I definitely gained weight after that, and have had a helluva time getting it off.
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Bbq season is just brutal.....

Its gotta be the most counteracting thing in my life. Like I go into spring bear and summer way too roll, get into BBQ time and ...... yeah.
Bbq season is just brutal.....

Its gotta be the most counteracting thing in my life. Like I go into spring bear and summer way too roll, get into BBQ time and ...... yeah.
Yeah, Sundays. Meat on the grill, kids in the pool, cold beer. Then sept 1st I’ll be whining because I’m fat, tired, and have the meat sweats. Did it last year, probably do it next year5AD91085-31F7-4E75-91C5-D198A1C69905.jpeg
Hmmm, Five pages worth already!
Same boat here, sitting at 215, need to be 195 by September.
Here we go!
Well, hiking 2 miles every night up to 30 lbs. in pack, riding my bike 3 miles to work every day - plus all of the summer chores outside.
Sitting at 210. 😟
Seem to be having a difficult time getting the winter weight off this year, every year it seems a little bit more difficult.
Lol looking back on this...

I think I didn't drink for like 4 days, stress=booze

I definitely gained weight after that, and have had a helluva time getting it off.
I know the pain, Stress this year has really reared its ugly head. Chasing critters this year is gonna suck. I may have to resort to just driving thru the pass at night with reckless abandon.
Finally back in a gym. After the 2 years of gyms closed.
This time the wife is joining me. We decided to do 2 days personal trainer 3 days a week small class to start.
We both need to lose 35-40 @ 69 it gets a bit tougher.
Today at the CrossFit 𝚌̷𝚞̷𝚕̷𝚝̷ gym


They say you can’t outwork a bad diet, and it’s true, but you can give yourself some wiggle room.

I’m not perfectly advancing toward my goals, but since I began drinking the CrossFit Kool-Aid over a year ago, at 37 I am in the best shape of my life.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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