Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

2021 Spring Turkey hunting

Good opening morning here in MT. View attachment 180147
All western turkey hunters need to stop posting picture of their turkeys unless you want one more turkey hunter! They are just beautiful birds with those white tips and I fear I will not be able to take the temptation much longer until I have to chase them! 😂
Hoping to shock gobble some tonight but the last few days I’ve found a lot more elk tracks than turkey tracks in my hunting area.
How did you do? I cut a couple tracks but didn't hear any gobbles strangely. Hopefully they will be a bit more fired up tomorrow!
Congrats to you guys! Hunted the Colorado front range opening morning yesterday, didn't hear a peep. Never got above 55 degrees so I think its a bit to early.
Hoping to shock gobble some tonight but the last few days I’ve found a lot more elk tracks than turkey tracks in my hunting area.
My nephew said the same. Even bounced a couple cows at one point.

My "Opening Day" in 3 pictures (I had to come back to my mothers in WI unexpectedly so I missed it):

1: My buddy tagged out 24 seconds after legal light in a spot he and I sniffed out in SE Colorado a couple years ago that he decided to try:
2: My nephew and future son-in-law hit our local spot. During season you need to get about 5-6 miles in before you will see birds. Opening day - that usually means you will walk past a dozen guys in the first mile that will not be seeing turkeys. They "stumbled in" to this guys blind in the MIDDLE of the trail at a major junction about 0.5 miles from the parking area when they were walking out.
3: My mothers driveway in WI - she is utterly perplexed how we need to hike in 6 miles for a turkey in CO
Front range birds are pretty quiet. Heard some gobble the evening before the opener and opening morning but nothing since
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My nephew said the same. Even bounced a couple cows at one point.

My "Opening Day" in 3 pictures (I had to come back to my mothers in WI unexpectedly so I missed it):

1: My buddy tagged out 24 seconds after legal light in a spot he and I sniffed out in SE Colorado a couple years ago that he decided to try:
View attachment 180214
2: My nephew and future son-in-law hit our local spot. During season you need to get about 5-6 miles in before you will see birds. Opening day - that usually means you will walk past a dozen guys in the first mile that will not be seeing turkeys. They "stumbled in" to this guys blind in the MIDDLE of the trail at a major junction about 0.5 miles from the parking area when they were walking out.
View attachment 180215
3: My mothers driveway in WI - she is utterly perplexed how we need to hike in 6 miles for a turkey in CO
View attachment 180216
Congrats to your buddy, I want to try SE CO but need to do some scouting first, I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to that part of the state. A blind right on the road huh, I wonder if that's ever worked out for them? I think ill be heading out Wednesdasy afternoon for an evening hunt, anyone ever had luck in Pueblo SWA?
Front range birds are pretty quiet. Heard some gobble the evening before the opener and opening morning but nothing since
This is my first year hunting Turkey so I'm still learning, down here in Fountain there's two groups of Rios I believe that travel the creek bottom. Cant hunt them but I've gone out and practiced calling them in and man do they gobble at everything, Its giving me false expectations for these Merriams lol
I am hoping some of you could give me some insight into aging turkey poop. Got out opening morning and got a few gobbles (which already made it a good day for me here along the front range in colorado) but seemed like he immediately headed in the other direction after fly down. Later on I found a ridge with many many roosting trees and tons of poop. This was lighter in color and with no white as I have seen previously. Any insights on aging poop and other poop characteristics? (Other than the shale and gender - all this appeared to be tom/male droppings). Either a few birds have been roosting in this area for awhile or many birds. Plan to get back to this spot before sun rise soon but wanting to know if this could be fairly old and they moved on or not.
This morning was the last morning scouting before the season opens. I heard one bird gobbling. Saturday morning I heard hens and Tom’s in several different drainages. I have to be at work around 8 tomorrow for a meeting and then I’ll be off the rest of the season. In years past I have killed several turkeys and made it to work on time. Luckily no one cares if they open the break room fridge and there’s a dead turkey in it!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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