Caribou Gear

2021 Morels!!

We used to find them at a couple lakes we used to fish. I’ve looked while shed hunting and only ever found 1, a giant that was stepped on by an elk, and scorched from the sun as the drift it was hiding behind melted away. Long time no see for me.
We used to find them at a couple lakes we used to fish. I’ve looked while shed hunting and only ever found 1, a giant that was stepped on by an elk, and scorched from the sun as the drift it was hiding behind melted away. Long time no see for me.
I like to eat them, but I love to find them! I may get a little competitive when it comes to morels!
Just a hair south of where 80 crosses 39. Any public spot around gets walked through before the sun comes up by all the old guys that are retired and nothing else to do. My hunting spot doesn't have anything but a couple hen of the woods from time to time.
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Just a hair south of where 80 crosses 39. Any public spot around gets walked through before the sun comes up by all the old guys that are retired and nothing else to do. My hunting spot doesn't have anything but a couple hen of the woods from time to time.
It’s funny hear all the old people drive really slow down the gravel road and if there is a good tree they will swerve over to that side not even getting out of their car, but looking as they creep by super slow. I wonder if they ever find any that way?
It’s funny hear all the old people drive really slow down the gravel road and if there is a good tree they will swerve over to that side not even getting out of their car, but looking as they creep by super slow. I wonder if they ever find any that way?

A few years back my youngest and I was over your way looking on public ground. We walked for hours not finding anything. So on our way back to our trailer I saw a tree cut down in the ditch so we pulled over to check it out. Turned out to be one of the best dam mushroom spots I ever picked.
A few years back my youngest and I was over your way looking on public ground. We walked for hours not finding anything. So on our way back to our trailer I saw a tree cut down in the ditch so we pulled over to check it out. Turned out to be one of the best dam mushroom spots I ever picked.
You Probly stole my mushrooms! 😂
I found some shrooms at work last week but I’m not allowed to keep them.
Found some behind our house here in NW Indiana a few weeks ago. We back up to 40 acres of woods with about 3 acres of those woods owned by our HOA. There are 25 or so Elm trees in that 3 acres and two of them are dead and both produced. We fried up a few as my wife likes them fried. I gave 1/2 to our neighbor who like them as well and we couldn't eat them all. A few nights later I smoked some split chicken breasts, baked some bacon wrapped asparagus, and sauted the morels in butter, garlic and then deglazed the pan with white whine. Holy cow was it good.

Have had two days out, about the same amount each time. For the record...we usually use a mesh bag to haul the morels but forgot to bring it the first night. Sorry for the crappy pic BUT the good pics show background and I'm super cautious about "my" spots :) LOL
you gotta be careful about them mushroom spots or they will look like that shed hunting video someone posted yesterday! of course if you wanted to pm me your gps coordinates that would be ok, I wont bring any of my friends. 😂
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