A solid point that, despite all the talk about some people swinging for the fences this year, never crossed my mind. Heck, I may have even done it with one species. I'm still not convinced that we won't see a reduction in "meaningful" applications in the draw. Which still won't do anything for my diminished desert sheep odds.Then, make it more complex by adding in the folks that put in for tags they know they will never draw as 1st choice - which ends up being the same as using the point code (not including Hybrid tags). In a vacuum, I would have said the numbers of people doing this would be statistically insignificant, but I am honestly surprised by how many I have heard of doing this both directly or via social media. Just in my own little 'circle' - there are like 5 guys that put in for non-hybrid high point tags as 1st choice because 'you never know'. The intention (get a point) and the result (got a point) are the same as E-P-999-99-P, but the mechanism is different.