Brand new, in-the-box, never been shot 2018 Custom Mathews Halon 32-6 Bow w/ 8" Mathews Flatline Stabilizer and Mathews Ultra Rest (QAD). Throwing in a Mathews hat for $#!*$ & giggles (also never been worn). Here are the specs:
60# lb. draw
27.5" draw length
6" brace height
85% let off
32" axle-to-axle
Right handed
Gun metal grey with flourescent orange accents
Won this bow but love my current bow too much to switch. $950.00 for everything.

60# lb. draw
27.5" draw length
6" brace height
85% let off
32" axle-to-axle
Right handed
Gun metal grey with flourescent orange accents
Won this bow but love my current bow too much to switch. $950.00 for everything.