PEAX Equipment

2018 CO Elk Success

Is that a CO tag (green in 2018)? Congrats on an easy hunt! You sound a little like the special forces guys..."I wish this sucked more."
Congrats on your successful hunt! A great reminder for me to take time to preserve memories & take more pics.
Great bool, spent my 2017 summer and early fall in there last year with my dad's sheep tag, you did well!

Thor Bullet?
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Be grateful for the easy ones - they're few and far between. I drove almost 13 hours to CO 49 (twice!) and hunted/bowhiked my butt off for elk that didn't want to talk much less play and am slow cooking tag soup today. Colorado has flat out kicked my butt. Congrats on a great bull! May the next one be much harder on you ;)
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Thanks fellas! Now I'm getting my stuff packed up to leave for WY next weekend for antelope...

Nice photos, what kind of camera were you using?

Nothing too fancy. A Canon EOS Rebel T6. Kind of an entry level DSLR camera.

Congrats on a great bull! What rifle caliber did you use, and how far was the shot?

A CVA muzzleloader. .50 caliber. About 140 yards which was pushing my limit but I had a really solid rest.

Is that a CO tag (green in 2018)? Congrats on an easy hunt! You sound a little like the special forces guys..."I wish this sucked more."

Yep. Colorado.

Great bool, spent my 2017 summer and early fall in there last year with my dad's sheep tag, you did well!

Thor Bullet?

Yep it was a Thor! Quite a few guys on here recommended that bullet so I went with it.
That is a great bull Vince. I agree with other posters, enjoy the easy ones!
This is awesome!! Congrats on a great hunt man you were due! You have put in the time and effort in past hunts with some tough breaks so it is only fitting that you were rewarded on this hunt. The goal should always be to shoot them where you can load them whole into the truck :cool: Great shooting and great photos!
Awesome bull way to get it done. I was in SW Colorado during muzzleloader also it was warm. The sage grouse spot you sent me payed off I'll pm you specifics.
Kenetrek Boots

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