2016 WY elk

Congrats Buzz. Good eating. I'll be coming out in January looking for a cow. The School Trust signs in my hunting area in WY always seem to mysteriously dissappear every fall ?
I'm glad you were able work around the issues with the landowner and be successful. I agree with some earlier comments that Wyoming is only western state I have had a similar experience. In the late 90s the owner of 1 section of land dug up a culvert on a public road (confirmed by a call to the BLM office) where it passed across his land making access difficult to thousands of acres of public land in the area of SW Wyoming where I was hunting. The BLM response was they could do nothing and it wasn't a big deal since ATVs could still get through and around the hole in the road.
Kudos to you and your buddy for doing the right thing on all accounts and congrats on harvesting two elk which I'm sure will be great table fare!
Outstanding as usual. Appreciate the fight for access. Some of these places are hard enough to figure out without landowner problems. It can very stressful to the NR that's just trying to enjoy a hunt. Thanks
The best way to combat this is to do exactly as you did, by exercising your rights to that public land. Congrats on a great hunt and everything your doing for access.
Funny how they feel they are above the law and think they are bulletproof. Once you let them know you wont be bullied and know where you are it kinda lets the air out of them...cell phones and GPS has leveled the playing field.
BuzzH, I have run across this with landowners block Forest Service roads. I haven't yet looked into the legality of this but I didn't think a landowner could block FR off like that.
Congrats Buzz. I am impressed with how consistently you have success. I appreciated the way you went about contacting the land owner, reporting the sign, and not being a jerk about it. It's easy for us to all make huge assumptions and vilify the landowner. I don't agree at all with what the landowner did, but I would imagine he has had many hunters trespass intententionally or unintentionally over the years. A good reminder for us to handle it how Buzz described it.

+1 on all of the above.

I think there should be just as big a penalty for this deception as there is for a hunter trespassing on private land, personally.

Great work all the way around Buzz thanks for sharing!