2015 NFL Draft

Born outside of Buffalo in Kenmore NY. Die hard Bills fan. Drafted 3 kids from Fla St. Get back to me in 3 years to see if any of them are worth a damn. I so wanted them to pick Garret Grayson from Colo St. We have tons of talent but when the biggest weakness of the team is the qb, there are big problems. Best moment of draft was the ovation Jim Kelly received during round 2 while announcing Buffalo's pick.
Go Cardinals. Keep improving the o line. Our old QB needs some protection.
Shows how tough the NFL can be. Harbaugh was one Hell of a coach. mtmuley

Harbaugh may be a good coach but I think his in your face style of coaching may be better suited for college with players 19-22 yrs old versus coaching pros who make more in a year than an average person can in a life time.
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