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2015 Idaho Goat tag (Most viewed post ever)

Thanks for the Kudos. It was a fun trip. IDB made it happen like he usually does. Here is a Picture of the trip out. It really wasn't that bad besides me being out of shape..... and out of water.... and food.... and fat. But we had fun. You'd think on a hunt like this I'd of spent more time scouting and getting ready for it but it's tough with life. I thought with kids gettting older I'd have more time. Doesn't seem that way.

The Goat was 8 7/8" on one side and 8 5/8" of the other. Just for reference.

I'm doing a full body mount and will hopefully have a place to hang it some day. I have this weekend off then IDB and my boy Parker and me are heading to the hills on a deer tag Parker drew. Should be a good hunt.


  • Goat Out.JPG
    Goat Out.JPG
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Nice looking goat amigo, it will make a beautiful full body.

As if anyone doubted the Hunt talk hall of fame crew.
And this is why I joined hunt talk. Nice job moosie and bugler, as always it's not just luck.
Way too funny. I think Moosie could make a rabbit hunt sound like the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Congrats to you and Bryce. If there is a guy to take along with you who will slant the odds in your favor, you picked the right guy.
Sweet, way to close the deal on a nice goat and a great hunt.

Some nice looking country for sure.

Never been there myself, looks fun.
Congrats loved the ride along awesome goat he will look great on the wall most people say a Bighorn is on top of the list mine is a Goat!