PEAX Equipment

2014 Wyoming Bucks

I'm not getting between you guys, but it looks pretty clear to me that fire was very recent based on the lack of vegetation and the look of the ashes.. Blacktail, please put the pics back up. Those were great bucks!
What bothers me more than the ponch wrapper is the fact that someone packed in a pizza.
Someone left some garbage in the backcountry. Whoever it was is a giant turd and they know who they are.
Please post the pictures back up, it would be great to see the end results of your hard work. What you burnt and/or left behind is your business, if it is biodegradable then it will disappear and i am yet to see somebody pick up an empty rifle case for the sole reason because they simply didn't want to leave trash on the mountain. I don't like seeing rubbish in the bush at all, but i am also understanding of different situations and its up to hunters themselves to work out what to do with it.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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