2014 Idaho Season Proposals Up

Summary: Too many elk near private land, kill 'em all. Too few elk on public, kill all the wolves.

All joking (sort of) aside, there are always a few interesting tidbits in these annual proposals.
And of the game left on public, the few the wolves haven't eaten that is, they aren't leaving enough grass for livestock to graze. Where is Jose at?

I like that they are kicking archers out of the danskins but giving us a few owyhee tags we can apply for along with a few thousand of our closest friends. All because the 3 mayfield residents have elk problems :)

If they gave permission the 50 late cow tags would have been enough.

What's up with all the elk ranch signs out there btw? Anyone know what that's all about?
I like that they are kicking archers out of the danskins but giving us a few owyhee tags we can apply for along with a few thousand of our closest friends. All because the 3 mayfield residents have elk problems :)

IMHO this is not a fair trade off. An extra 25 tags in the early Owyhee, unit 40 archery hunt (a pretty tough hunt to draw) is not a fair trade off. I suspect now the hundreds of archery hunters will be forced to hunt in an even more crowded area. That early archery hunt in the Owyhees is a tougher hunt than the late 39.

I wish they would quit killing does and cows for the sake of a few landowners. 200 cow tags seems excessive!
I wish they would quit killing does and cows for the sake of a few landowners. 200 cow tags seems excessive!


If those landowners would just give a couple people permission to hunt their land with cow tags, it wouldn't take but one or two times getting shot at for the elk to decide to get the hell off their land.

I like the increase in wolf tags for the Sawtooth Zone, not that it is going to increase the actual harvest much if any, it does show that F&G is doing a good job at slowly but surely increasing our grip on wolf management. I think within a few years we will be where we all want to be in regards to wolf numbers and determining what kind of management system we want to control them.
I responded to a couple things in a few different regions. Seems like opportunity to make money overrides sound management practices with some of the proposals. Another archery deer hunt in 54 is being proposed as an 'unlimited" archery hunt. I suspect that since hunter number have increased by 3 times since 2001, they want to limit it to only the dedicated unit 54 hunters. Plus they get to make an extra $6.25 for each hunter.

I am wondering how the wolf seasons will be affected in a few years, if the $2 million wolf control bill goes through the Senate,with the addition of trapping in new units that IDFG is proposing.

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