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2013 sheds


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Sitting here on a drizzly Memorial day going through my pictures from the spring. Curious how everyone else did this year? I want to see some shed pictures.

I had more time to look than I should've, and set my record for deer horns. Oddly I haven't found a single moose or elk horn this year. Not that I usually find a lot of them, but usually find a couple anyways.







My year stunk, you've got as many in that last tailgate shot as I packed home for the entire spring. Of those only 2 were fresh. I may be an idiot for moving away from great shed hunting country.
Very nice year there. Looks like some great prospects for next season. Hope they are in a huntable area for you.
Nice pics Randy11. Love those fresh whitetail sheds.I didnt get to go as much as usual with work but did ok. Im kinda the opposite, did good on elk but couldn't find much for fresh deer on the river bottoms this year.
Bambi- it goes 165~167 gross.

Looks like you learned to keep them off the diner table.

Notice I didn't take a yard picture with everything from the year in it :(. Thank god she passes on the brown ones, they won't hold paint.

Nobody else picked anything else up this year? I want to see some pictures.
My wife calls me dim-witted but does not paint them. The load that didn't break the Bull Hearse but did break my spirit a bit.

Randy, you should grind them up and sell them to you favorite baseball team.:)

Dinkshooter picked all those up at an Estes Park golf course.
Great collection of antler there Randy and Dink, no doubt a lot of boot leather for each antler picked up. We just have a really hard time finding sheds in the mountains, the animals are completely spread out in range and elevation and there is no wintering valley to look in. Its more a case of opportunistically locating them whilst hunting throughout the year.

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