Caribou Gear Tarp

2012 idfg

Thanks for putting up that link. I focus on the Upper Snake and Salmon regions, and it looks like little change is proposed for those areas. It is good to see they plan to increase the wolf hunting opportunities in the Upper Snake, which I can only assume means a larger quota, not a longer season. It would be nice if they increased the quota and lengthened the season in the Beaverhead area of the Salmon region. That area has a short season and a quota of only 10, but it is hard to lobby to increase the quota when only one wolf was killed during the season last year. I have a hard time understanding that low harvest when wolf area 210 in Montana, just over the divide from the Beaverhead, has pretty good harvest numbers. However it shows up in the regs, hope to dedicate some time to wolf hunting this next year.
I glanced at 32A because has always carried large permits for doe. Looks to be going down from 450 to 225 due to fawn mortality (hmmmm) 2010-2011. Brother and I thinking of going back to our old stomping ground where we grew up hunting in 51, but man that is a pull especially if SE Idaho is hit with some hot weather over there mid-October.
I glanced at 32A because has always carried large permits for doe. Looks to be going down from 450 to 225 due to fawn mortality (hmmmm) 2010-2011. Brother and I thinking of going back to our old stomping ground where we grew up hunting in 51, but man that is a pull especially if SE Idaho is hit with some hot weather over there mid-October.

There aren't any critters left in 51 look elswhere.;)
It would be nice if they increased the quota and lengthened the season in the Beaverhead area of the Salmon region. That area has a short season and a quota of only 10, but it is hard to lobby to increase the quota when only one wolf was killed during the season last year. I have a hard time understanding that low harvest when wolf area 210 in Montana, just over the divide from the Beaverhead, has pretty good harvest numbers. However it shows up in the regs, hope to dedicate some time to wolf hunting this next year.

I wondered the same thing about that area as well. But everybody that I talked to that hunts over there stated that the wolves haven't been as bad there. Same thing with the Island Park Zone. I can't understand why they didn't just leave those open for awhile.

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