2011 Mule Deer


Sep 8, 2011
Lubbock, TX
I had scheduled vacation for the last four days of our texas mule deer season my hope was to catch the leading edge of the rut but that was not to be. We hunted hard for four days glassed alot of deer mostly does and small bucks. The mature deer just did not cooperate with us this time. Finally on the last morning I got a shot at this guy and decided to take him. He is not the biggest buck and there are certianly better on the property but given the effort put into this hunt I am really happy with him.


  • md22011.jpg
    237.8 KB · Views: 889
Congrats on the buck. That photo could have been taken in western Colorado.
Nice looking buck. Congrats. Didn't realize it got cold enough for you guys to wear anything other than flip flops and wife beaters down there.
We have a great diversity of country in the state the problem is there is next to nothing in the way of public hunting. A few draw areas and a few National forrests in the eastern part of the state and scattered around is alittle corp of engineer land but for the most part it's private or nothing.

I have been fortunate to meet a great family who lets me hunt their land in exchange for a little processed venison.

For the most part it is nice and mild in the winter but we can get down right cold at times.
Nice deer.

Nice to see another guy from Lubbock on here. I actually live north of Slaton out on the rim of the canyon and regularly see deer out there around my house, but there isn't a deer season in Lubbock county so they are off limits. I have a little property down in Fisher county that I hunt on, plus whatever tags I can draw out west.

You have a bad hog problem out there in Dickens county? They are pretty thick on my place in Fisher county. Lots of fires this year too, my place burned up completely in Fisher county.
Very nice buck Austin. I struck out in W TX for muleys and N TX for whitetails. Saw plenty of deer just nothing really big. I love hunting, ain't it great?
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