PEAX Equipment

2011 MT Elkhorns Bull

Montana has always been and hope always will be about hunter days, not trophey selection. You can kill big bulls in the state without hunting the breaks or 380..yeah the cow hunts are tough...but my brother shot a 380" bull out of HD380...just did it is tough with a bow too...but easier..
The breaks districts...I don't want to get I don't really want to get into that...that is about a bunch of ticked off hunters in that area and landowners that got ticked at guys from other areas coming in and over running their area...depends on who you want to believe...
I just won't drive over there to hunt when I have plenty of good hunting here...
but back to the original topic..I don't want to turn into a draw only state...and if you want true "trophey" units, that is what is going to can't have guys running around un-limitted in an area with archery equipment and make it draw for rifle hunters...only a matter of time before enough rifle hunters complain loud enough...breaks.
Anyways...listened to the breaks talk enough at MBA meetings...
I just don't want to turn into Utah...I want to hunt elk every year...
Congrats on the great bull! I have hunted there with a friends dad who drew the tag...and it is indeed a tough hunt with all the spike and cow hunters.

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