New member
Oh yeah, that half day and night we spent tied up in Alitak wasn't a complete waiste either. There was a smaller boat there that had been weathered in for a few days and was out of food and bait. We were done fishing so we gave them a 1,000 lbs of herring, along with a few packages of lunch meat, some venison burger and couple loaves of bread.
They traded us the opportunity to go pull their subsistence crab pot out in the bay (we are allowed 3 king crab a year on our subsistence license). We each took one of these home with us for the wives. And no, that isn't photoshop, they are resting on my chest and really are that big.
Can you say BONUS!!
Holy poop!! Those things look like something that belongs in a Alfred Hitchcock movie! Looks like good times and congrats on the daughter. Mine is now 11, but I still see here like the pics above.
Do the crabs taste the same when they get that large, or start to taste different?