I don't know? Never had it scored, but it is at the taxidermy now getting mounted. I know the bases were over 17", but he thinned down more then I thought at the ends. Before I shot him I thought he would go over 180, but when I finally walked up to him I guess him around 175. I will ask the taxidermist to measure him.
This was a DIY hunt. I hunted and packed him out by myself. It took me 2 days to get him to the boat. It was always my dream to hunt big horn sheep and do it by myself.
That crossed my mind. But I decided to hunt with my bow for the first part, then if I had to, I would get the gun out for the last part. I just had to try it with my bow! I am know there are bigger rams out there, but this guy was the biggest out of 16 or so rams I looked over. I decided it I could get a shot with my bow I would take him. Otherwise I would keep looking for more rams.
I would guess 50#. I tried to pack out the hind quarters (deboned) and the head/cape, and it was to heavy. I had to pack them out in 2 trips. But then again I could be a wimp! ;-)