Thanks guys. Here's the Story, Been trying to find an ambush point on a big low 160's for a few weeks now. Trees are rare in my area, have seen the big guy several times but could never close the deal. Then the snow came last Sun, and spent Mon-Thur trying to find him, couldn't put a locate on the big guy so , There is a large block of trees (old farmestead with serious cover) near the area of the big buck. Does have been in the trees on a regular basis due to more than 6" of snow. So I figured I'd "slip hunt" the block of trees hoping to catch Mr Big taking a snooze.
I was on the downwind side of the 100yard x 1/2 mile block sneaking along when a 20" buck slipped off the edge with a smaller buck and headed away from me( He must have caught my movement) .........I still hunted to where his tracks told me he went back into the block of trees. The big boy has a simular shaped rack and I though thats the buck that I was honing in on....anyway I realllllyy slowed the pace down and 1 hour later the little buck come poking his head out of the trees in front of I totally bailed into a clump of brush and waited. The little buck caught movement and took off, And I figured game over, but a few seconds later I saw a mainbeam moving towards me at 30 yards with 4 points up so I drew back.......the buck cleared the brush at 20-25 yards and turned to look at the conspicuous piece of "brush" which was me.....I hadn't looked at the antlers at all I just knew he was wide, by the time he turned to check me out I had allready settled the 20 yard pin on his shoulder and started to squeeze....
He went down about 125 yards and blead heavily the whole trip. I wasn't sure what buck I had even shot , turns out it wasn't any of the good ones I'd been seeing but was instead a 130 class 5x5 with a fairly wide rack....inside spread was 18 3/8.....It truly was ground shrink as I had thought I had stuck a 140's or bigger buck but after settling down and realizing I had just shot my first archery deer, I decided a 130 , put down clean , on a spot and stalk hunt was pretty cool. I'm gonna do a Europeon mount on him and will post a pic when I'm done. There's the story........Things happen fast, All of a sudden my bow season is over But it ended well
How do you "shrink" your pictures if all your pictures are stored under "KODAK"........ cause when you post and you manage attachements, there is nothing to shrink them with that I can find.