Caribou Gear Tarp

2005 WY elk


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Went out elk hunting yesterday with Oak and we ran into a few elk. We saw a total of 9 bulls and I'd hate to say how many cows. We hunted until about 1:00 pm through some cool, shady lodgepole seeing quite a few elk along the way. We decided to take a little siesta and while napping I heard something walking toward us through the timber. I finally saw the beast that rudely awakened me from my slumber and when he got to 18 yards I put a 250 grain partition through his shoulders. A quick 10 yard scramble and he piled up.


Not sure why Oak is smiling in this picture as I'm pretty sure he was aware of the impending pack-out.


We had a good time and saw some good country and plenty of elk.
congrats--looks like you took a man killer out of the genetic pool--I wonder how long he was stalking you--way to fake him out with the ol' sneaky siesta--chris
Greeny always told me it's never to late to shoot it in the Ass so you don't have to pack as much meat out..... but thats only on Big bulls, not meat bulls.. ;)

Seriously though, Congrats on a sleeper bull !!!
A .338 is pretty effective at 18 yards.

Speaking of the pack-out....


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I tell you what, a good pack makes all the difference. I hiked into the kill site today in 1 hour 12 minutes and hiked out with the rest of the elk in 1 hour 51 minutes. I picked up a fresh elk shed and an old chalky one on the way in.

Ran into the horse dudes again...they didnt kill or see any elk today.

Thanks again for the help.
I bet those guys on horses were pissed! You get an elk while catching up on sleep and all they got was a sore backside! HA! Congrats guys!
Damn, your lucky he didnt charge you! sleeping hunters can be trampled easy too. Good to see you were able to defend yourself.
An imaginary exchange......and an elk hunting revolution is born

inquiring type: "Hey Buzz, d'ja get an elk?"
Buzz: "Is the President a moron?"
inquiring type: "Yeah, I guess but did you get an elk?"
Buzz: (sighs, perturbed) "Yeah, I got an elk"
inquiring type: "Oh yeah? Where'd you get him"
Buzz: "Through both shoulders"
inquiring type: "No, I mean where'd you go?"
Buzz: (clearly tiring of this) "Wyoming"
inquiring type: "Cool! So how'd you get him? Spot and stalk? Two-man drive?
Still hunt?
Buzz: "Sleep and shoot"
inquiring type: "Huh? I ain't never seen that on Fat-Redneck Outdoors, on OLN."
Buzz: "...and you won't. Look I don't want to be rude but you're pissing me off. If you want to kill elk with impunity like I do then put in 100 days scouting like I do, figure out what the elk are likely to go on any given day like I do. Then go to that spot ahead of the elk and TAKE A NAP. When the elk wakes you up...shoot him. Then call Oak to pack him off the mountain, like I do." (big fat wink smiley)

Congrats Buzz...Better lucky than good? Maybe, but when you're good you get lucky more often