Caribou Gear

2005 New Mexico Elk and Mule Deer Tags Available


Nut, Good to "see" you also! How is Vipe?

Moosie, sounds great, e-mail me with your tentative plans, maybe I can meet you somewhere? I got a kick out of your comment above, probably the reason I don't go along with being baited too much anymore! I guess he educated me! Has he been around at all lately? How about MD4me??

Tom, sure I would be happy to discuss landowner tags and how the LOSS system works here in NM. I think it is a fair system and works well for us here in NM.

Jose, I think you misunderstood, there is no such thing as a landowner tag for sheep in NM or anywhere else that I know of. Landowner tags or more accurately, "Land Owner Authorizations" are for elk and antelope only.

Schmalts, the reason I know that all he darted were small rams and ewes is because the only reason for darting is to remove the sheep to transplant them elsewhere. The only sheep that are ever transplanted are small rams, ewes and sometimes lambs.
Here's the idea. Take two landowners. One uses the grass for cattle, stocks till the tails hang over the fence, nothing for elk, etc. Another landowner, stocks leaving plenty of grass for elk and they thrive. That guy deserves something for that. A landowner tag is a way to recognize the value his land provides for the elk. Him selling it supports the elk, because he doesn't make what the other guy makes with cattle. The guy who stocks cattle till the tails hang over the fence, does not get the landowner tag.

The state sells tags, there's someone else who sells tags. If they don't encourage the landowner with a tag, how should they do it? Assuming you agree there should be some reward for the guy who provides for elk and less reward or no reward for the guy who just has cattle eat all the grass and then sells them.

I think you pretty well nailed it. The only thing I would add is that there is a formula that is used to determine if, what type, and how many tags you can get for a specific property. Also, there are only so many tags allotted for a specific area, therefore, if one landowner gets an extra tag one year, another landowner loses a tag that year. The dept. of game and fish does a survey of the land and determines how many month's use the land gets and about how many elk or antelope use the land. They also determine how much feed, cover and water is provided on the land. From this information they determine how many tags a ranch gets. Most of the smaller properties only get antlerless tags (which are not worth much as far as $$) and the tags can only be used on that property. While hunting whitetail deer on a 100 acre plot may be worthwhile, it is hardly worthwhile to try to hunt elk on the same size place, therefore, the tags for these small properties are not worth much at all.

One of the things that most people do not recognize though, is that landowners in some cases have the choice of making the tags for their ranch good only for their ranch or good for the entire GMU that surrounds the ranch. Should they choose to make the tags good for the entire GMU, then they have to open their private property to the public which in turn creats even more areas to hunt for the general public.

Because there are only so many tags alloted for an area, it is not possible to overhunt a specific area and therefore hurt game numbers.

If the landowner qualifies to get landowner tags, he can then give, sell, trade them for whatever the market will bear.
Bearcreek,nice to see you posting .

"yes we do debate stuff here sometimes and this place seems to require a thick skin sometimes because a lot of us razz each other."

Schmalts, Bearcreek wrote the book on thick skin LOL

The whole point as Moosie pointed out is
"It's only Chicken Chit if it's not stated in the upfront info. "
It then puts the ball into your court -----dont book that type of a hunt.

"Poor guy left before I could change the subject to Landowner tags...... and rip on those"

Jose ROFLMAO, please let-er rip -----We will all get a kick out of seeing how you will turn into some butt-kissing suck -up job on how great Michael Moore and Jon Marvel are.

Any business person has the right to charge the going rate and charge what he thinks is fair,it then gives you the right to book with him or not.
Pretty simple,up front and to the point.

Eric, how was that for sucking up ? Do I still get that discounted trophy fee and hunt? LOL
I also have to sign on as being in favor of landowner tags, so long as they are managed as Eric outlined. Unit-wide tags open up private land that is not accessible otherwise. (I know of a big bull in a very unlikely spot on private land that is available only because the owner gets unit-wide tags and has to open his ranch to the public. I may go back for him next year, and if ai don't get drawn, I would buy a landowner authorization.)

They are an incentive for the landowner to keep wildlife on his ranch.
Calif. Hunter said:
(I know of a big bull in a very unlikely spot on private land that is available only because the owner gets unit-wide tags and has to open his ranch to the public. I may go back for him next year, and if ai don't get drawn, I would buy a landowner authorization.)

Does every bull have to be available to getting killed to be good for hunters???? |oo

Leave it to MD to come to my rescue just as I was about to go under!! MD, I guess things never change huh? I go away for a year or two and the first thing people want to do when I get back is start a fight?!?!? LOL

MD, you know that if you ever draw a NM sheep tag, I will guide you for free. You have always been a good friend.

Cali... if you are hunting unit 15, PM me, I will tell you of a great hidden spot that is usually loaded with elk.

MD, did you draw any tags this year? How is your hunting going so far? How is Steve?
Thanks, Eric! I may take you up on that hidden spot next year. We hunted Unit 15 when it was "subdivided" into sub-sections a few years ago - I took a nice, young 6x6 there. I usually put in for one of the 16s as first choice, then 13, then 15.
We didnt put in for any draws this year.
Steve killed a small buck with his bow last week-end.
I worked on 4 bucks for about 2 hours getting in to 30 yards with no opening to place an arrow.
Oh well ,what a great way to spend the week-end.
Leaving tonight for a 9 day elk hunt.

"MD, you know that if you ever draw a NM sheep tag, I will guide you for free."
Eric,do you ATV hunts??????? LOL

"Does every bull have to be available to getting killed to be good for hunters????"

Yes ,that's what's why it's called hunting!!!
Jose,are you an animal rights person working undercover for peta or some other left wing nut group?

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