2005 Arizona Archery Bulls


New member
Oct 6, 2005
Flagstaff, AZ
2005 AZ Archery Bulls

I'm failry new to hunttalk, but thought you would like to see some pics from our 05' Arizona archery bull hunt. My brother and I were lucky enough to have the same archery tag in 2004, and I ended up with a 310 gross bull 6x6.

This is a live photo of my brother's bull taken by another member from another forum. They were also hunting the same unit and had several opportunities at him opening morning but it didn't work out. My brother ended up harvesting him later opening day at a tank.

Brother's hunt..The 05' hunt was about to begin with great anticiapation. We had scouted out many good bulls and were ready for opening day. Opening morning my brother decided to hunt an area he had hunted the previous year that held a lot of nice bulls. My dad and him went to together while I went to another area. They got into some bulls including a 350 bull, but the elk were on the move to there bedding areas with cows. They tried cutting them off numerous times but the elk seemed to walk just out of range or get ahead of them too far. They said there wasn't as many elk or bugling in there as the previous, but they said it was a blast opening morning trying to call and cut the elk off on there way to bed. After the morning hunt my vrother had already planned to sit his tree stand at water where we had seen some good bulls before. My brother arrived to the treestand around 1:00 p.m. At 5:00 p.m. another guy came to the tank to video elk. He saw my brother in the tree and left. My brother had not heard a elk bugle all afternoon. At 5:30 p.m. he heard a stick break off to his left. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a good bull coming in. Right when he saw the tops he decided he was a shooter. The bull very caustiously made it to the water for a drink. My brother pulled back on him, the bull looked the opposite direction instantly by the draw noise or his arm slighly hitting the tree. At only twenty yards he sent the arrow into the chest. The bull ran less than 200 yards before collapsing.

Here is a pic that shows how narrow his bull was, only being 34" wide. His bull officially grossed 388 1/8" and netted 367 0/8" typical.

Opening morning I decided to hunt in an area where I had seen some big bulls. I could hear a few bulls immediately in the distance so I continued walking towards them. I was in a thick transition zone of cedar and pines so everytime I got close I could see the elks body but the elk wouldn't come any closer. Around 8:00 a.m. the bugling really picked up where I was because I was already in there bedding location. I called ina nice 300-315 bull but decided to pass on him. Also a one horn six point walked out at seventy yards bugling. The bugling slowed down after 9:30 a.m. but it was awesome having so much action on opening morning. That evening I went to a tank I had scouted out. I got to my tank a little after noon. A doe came in for a drink around 1:00 p.m. and a flock of 19 turkeys came in around 4:30 p.m. I heard my first bugle around 5:00 p.m. A small five point came in later and stood in the water for a couple of minutes and got a drink. Then a small six point came in later bugling like crazy. Then a thick broken up six point came in and decided to sit in the tank until dark. The next morning I decided to sit a tank where the bulls had been crossing next to every morning. I heard a couple bugles in the distance as I got in my treestand. After a while the bugling got closer and closer and I was getting excited. Suddenly the elk were surrounding the area and the bulls were bugling. I saw some cow elk coming towards the water and they started to drink. Then behind the cows I saw the big bull walk out and headed towards the water. He came in thrashing the water and I made a thirty yard shot on him.

419 4/8 gross, netting 411 2/8 inches non-typical.


Another pic

Both bulls
WOW!! Those are some brusiers! Lets here the story behind them. Congrats on some AWESOME bulls!!

Saw these pics on one of the local sites too. Congrats to you and your bro on the awesome bulls.
Mike, glad to see you post these badboys on this site. Once again a big congrats to you and your Bro, awesome!

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