2002 Toyota Tundra Access Cab

Anybody have any experience with either of these after market front bumpers? Real question is will it provide more clearance/space for the large front tires and reduce or stop the front tires from rubbing on turns.

I put ARB front on the Tacoma...only one made still. Tires rub on the rear and inside front on frames.
I had put 16" TRD rims & Coopers on it and it rubbed with lift. Mud flaps still won't clear.
Great for hwy trips.
I went back to the 15's and Cooper maxx and no rubbing and actually better ride. Left the mudflaps off which I don't like.

Front snow & mud clearance is good.
Bigger tires & wheels rub. Rear of well & inside front on frame.

Big flaw on most trucks is lack of chain clearance space in front. Sticking the wheels outside the body is an even more stupid fix,IMHO.

Recently put aftermarket front bumper on the F-150 and love it. Kit model.
I did it on both for real metal & brighter lights.
And they look cool.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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