I decoyed this buck in from 150+yards into 7.......he isn't the biggest buck out there(right at 66") but he was probably the most intense hunt I've ever finished off........it took about 3 hours to make it close enough for him to see my set-up, and I mean he came crashing in, I didn't think I was gonna get a chance to draw........by the time he blew past the back end of my decoy a mere 7 yards out, I was drawn.........by the time he stopped when he saw me kneeling in the open behind the decoy, my arrow was on it's way
Sorry for the lack of a smile.....it was in the mid-90's and my fat butt was tired and thirsty from a couple days of belly crawling, etc.....the goat managed a smile for me though....

Sorry for the lack of a smile.....it was in the mid-90's and my fat butt was tired and thirsty from a couple days of belly crawling, etc.....the goat managed a smile for me though....